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MAKIA’S DIARY 01/04/09



“I want to tell all the people that are reading this that they should do something to change the world.  But before they do that they need to know what they love the most.  Once you figure out what you love the most then use that to change the world.  When I say change the world I am not saying to move things to diffent places I mean to help all the beings that are suffering to be happy.

Also I want to tell you all that my mom picked up a dead cat from the street today and put him on the side of the road wrapped in a towel so that he’s person will find him at peace rather than his body squashed by passing cars.  Everytime my mom does this she comes home and lectures me about not crossing the street.  Listen, lecturing your kitty does not work.  Your kitty may still cross the road.  It is important to tell your cat to look both ways before crossing and to make sure that nothing is in the road.  There should be no cars in sight when you cross the road.  Tell your cats that rather than dont cross the road.

My mom is getting upset because she is typing this for me and she is feeling upset with me because she has a rule that says I am not allowed to cross the street.  I know she is upset, but I am smart and I stay safe.  Now my mom wants to lecture me, but she is allowing me to speak through her intead.

Do you see me with the Buddha?  I pray everyday that I will live a long time so that I can learn how to help animals through my mom.  I travel to distant places in my mind.  Sometimes I go to a Buddhist temple and pray to the Buddha there.  There my spirit glows really bright.  If you close your eyes and concentrate on one thing or place that is where you go.  “Makia” means energy flows where attention goes.  I can do that with my spirit.  Try it, but go someplace that helps you grow as a person or animal.”

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4 thoughts on “MAKIA’S DIARY 01/04/09”

  1. Wise words Makia, you are so right about finding the thing you love and creating bigger circles of love from that. It can be something that comes out of the blue–as it did for me in a little white fiberglass travel trailer. Seems like a funny thing to create love around, I know, but it grew out of itself organically with laughter and love.

    Every day, I put a new idea in motion. I don’t know where it will all end up but it’s the old line about following your bliss. For now, it’s ever increasing layers of happiness and love:

    And, my two furry loves are right there with us in this journey. Animals are a big support!

  2. The thing I love the most is breathing good, clean air.
    I try to drive less to help the Earth. But Makia, I will look to see if I can help plant trees to help give better air. The rain forest needs support. I now have some good ideas and want to thank you for the idea. I will share your wisdom with friends. Thank you again.

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