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HOME FOUND! Micah is a very special Mustang. He is involved in a program called Extreme Mustang Makeover with his trainer Kathe Smothers.
Kathe was having problems getting him to do lateral movements. When I asked him about it he said, “She’s asking one side of my body to speed up and one side of my body to slow down and she just doesn’t understand that that is physically impossible.”
When I asked Micah what he thought of Kathe he said, “Naaa I don’t like her at all, of course I like her, she gave me my life.”

I am a 4 year old American Mustang from the Nevada Range. I was captured as a 3 year old stallion by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). I lived in their holding pens, I was gelded, vaccinated, wormed and had blood drawn this was my only human contact until June 6 2007 when I was picked up by Kathe Smothers Quiet Mind Horsemanship.
I am in a program put on by the BLM and The Mustang Heritage Foundation. These two organizations picked 100 Trainers from 29 states to participate in the program. Their goal is to show the success and versatility a human can have with a Mustang when we are handled with Trust, Kindness and Positive Communication. The Trainers have 100 days to ready us for a competition in Fort Worth Texas. On Sept 18 I will travel to Texas with Kathe and she will show me. I will be judged on overall fitness on the 21st, the
morning of the 22nd I will be judged on ground behavior and over obstacles in hand, the afternoon I will be ridden over a trail obstacle course, from there the top 10 horses will be picked and because I am a star I will be one of them and then Kathe will ride me in a freestyle exhibit to music.
This is all great however, on the 23rd Kathe has to enter me into an auction and someone is going to buy me.
As of now I have only had Kathe ride me and she is who I trust. We go all
over the place on the trails in Ojai, I trailer great, I am becoming more and more successful in the arena and I love the human contact. I am just worried about who is going to buy me and where I am going to be living.
If you have any interest in me please contact Kathe at 805-798-0234

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