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Montey’s Thoughts

This is Montey. He died at 12 years old. He says from Heaven,


“I feel my mom’s (person’s) beauty here, her softness, and her gentleness. I feel her petting under my chin and the sides of my face… 


I have found a window I can jump through, which takes me to different worlds. There is one world that I visit that is like an outdoor jungle. There are all sorts of tropical plants and rivers, and then there is another one where there are trees and snow.  I don’t feel the cold, but I feel the snow melting under my paws.


There is a world of music here, too. Sometimes I meet my mom in that world.  I can feel her talking with me all the time.”


Monte’s person shared that in life, she allowed Montey to explore, that he had a window that he always sat by and that since his passing, she hasn’t been able to listen to much music because it reminds her of him and makes her too sad.   Montey is telling her to listen and that his mom can connect with him then.

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