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Morning Talk With God/Magic The Dog

My friend is going through a horrific experience.  To protect her privacy I will not mention her name or the situation, but I will say that everyday I admire her perseverance and her stability during serious emotional trauma.  I want to talk to her dog to see how he is doing.  When I asked him what he wanted his name to be for this article he answered, “God”.   I told him I didn’t think that was a good idea so now he says, “Maybe it could be Magic.”

Laura:  “Magic, is there anything you want to tell your mom (person)?”

Magic:  “Yes, I want to tell her to stop for a minute and do some breathing.  Maybe she should even take a walk on the beach or through the woods.  She is seeing to many papers and her mind is running like those fast birds.  I think they’re named roadrunners.  My mom is really smart but her heart is burning and she needs to give it some room to be sad and to feel the earth beneath her feet.  She should walk barefoot.  I also think that she should eat a lot of vegetables like carrots and ones that grow deep in the ground.”

Laura:  “Why eat vegetables that grow deep in the ground”

Magic:  “I think because people’s minds spin really high in the sky and they forget to pay attention to the lower part of their body and if she eats those vegetables they will remind her body that there is an earth to be conscious of.  I know this because I am really smart like my mom and I can spend all day talking to my friend that died, but then I get a little dizzy and when my mom feeds me fresh foods I start to look at the ground and want to go for a walk and then I remember smells and what it is like to live in this world.  Because you know that the world of spirit is so close and they can wrap around us like a jacket sometimes.”

Laura:  “Wrap us like a jacket?  What do you mean?”

Magic:  “Well when a human or animal dies they become energy and when loved ones on earth get really sad it creates a heavy energy all around that person, but the loved one in spirit is a light energy.  They can be sparkly or soothing like a blanket.  So now when my people are really sad my friends in heaven sweep all the heavy energy away and wrap them in their soothing light energy, but that can make you a little dizzy so you need to walk on the beach and eat vegetables so that you can live on earth and be hugged by your loved ones spirits and not get a headache from all the confusion.  I know it is hard for people to understand.  It is easier for me because I am a very old soul.”

Laura: “An old soul?  What does that mean to you?”

Magic: “It means I got to choose my people and I got to choose to know you and I am smarter than most souls on earth.  I know some people may be thinking I am just a dog, but truly I am as old as God.  If it weren’t for me, my person would be even lonelier.  My job on earth is solely to be my mom friends when she needs me.  Its like I am God’s best friend and so mom gets God for my whole earthly life and since you wouldn’t name me God for this article, I thought I am magic for her too.  You have to believe in both you know.  God and Magic.”

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2 thoughts on “Morning Talk With God/Magic The Dog”

  1. Thank you Laura, these words have such deep meaning… as I continue to struggle with the passing of my beloved Number10.. I am grateful for Paloma’s presence and love. I miss him so much… these words have helped.

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