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Motivational Monday

Often animal advocates will suffer from compassion fatigue.  They find their bodies and minds exhausted from all the trauma they witness in the life and death of animals and in the world itself.  They overwork themselves because there is always a fight to fight or an animal to save. 


I would love people to realize that there is a field of abundant energy and love that you can tap into at any moment.  The only way to find your way out of this exhaustion is by consciously deciding to do so. 


I know that the images and feelings of suffering follow you around and taunt you into sadness, but that is why it is important to center your awareness into your heart and make a list of things you love to do.  Then make time to do them.


When we spend time enjoying activities, we connect with the essence of the divine.  It is an amazing experience to be fueled by the divine.  So instead of numbing yourself by taking that nap or binge-watching a tv show, make a conscious decision to raise your vibration and tap into that abundant energy by doing something you love.

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