
The Pet Psychic®

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Motivational Monday

“I urge you to look at your stressed, naughty, dominant, or

fearful dog and ask yourself, “Where am I allowing him/her to

have no impulse control, resulting in higher stress hormones?”

and then ask yourself, “What can I do to help my dog calm

down, so he/she can make better decisions?”

Sometimes the hardest part of fixing a problem is first

looking inward. I have found that the more conscious of my

behavior I get, the happier and calmer in life I am. Change first

starts with the person. Then with the pet. There is no fault in

admitting one can do better. So, take the time to think, and

ask, “What have I been doing wrong?”

Then praise yourself, and enjoy it when you and your animal get it right.

The rewards are great.”

Excerpt from my book Voices of the Animals ~ you can purchase here 
Or at any bookstore worldwide
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