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I have been reading Brian Tracy’s Book, Goals. It states to write down every morning a list (in present tense) of goals you would like to accomplish in the next twelve months. Here are the lists my animals and I did this morning. These are raw lists with no editing.
Goals 2/19/09:
Laura (Me-Pet Psychic): 1. I take Stormy to visit elderly people every week. 2. I have a Bunny that is well behaved around electrical wires. 3. I brush my cats every day. 4. I have a garden of catnip. 5. I massage Maia everyday. 6. I take Makia to the mountians twice a month. 7. My animals are all healthy mentally and psychically. 8. My bird/ squirrel feeder & bath are always full and clean.
IMG_0116.jpgStormy 1. I go see old people everyday. 2. I have Bean under control. 3. I have Bean following me around the house. 4. I have lots of play dates with my dog friends. 5. Mom video’s me so everyone can see how cute and smart I am. 6. I eat veggies. 7. I get a bath twice a month. 8. My stomach always feels good.
IMG_0117.jpgBean 1. I always understand what mom is saying. 2. My door to my cage is always open. 3. I am allowed in the front yard. 4. I can climb trees like the squirrel. 5. I able to climb the bookshelf to get my treats. 6. I always feel safe being picked up. 7. I know more tricks than the dogs. 8. I know how to bark.
IMG_0114.jpgMakia 1. We live on a safe ranch with pigs. 2. My body always feels good. 3. I can brush myself. 3. Mom always buys the healthy treats. 4. The people passing by hear me when I tell them, “pick up your garbage”. 5. We have a nice man in the house that is honest, funny and doesn’t mind fur. 6. I know how to turn on the faucet. 7. My mom has someone else to clean the litter box and house. 8. Our family of animals always stays the same size.
IMG_0113.jpgSerafina 1. I am nice to all animals including Makia. 2. I can play with toys like Joey. 3. Bean understands me when I say, “stay where you are”. 4. I know how to turn on classical music. 5. When I talk to the plants they multiply and grow faster. 6. I live at peace with mice. 7. I know all the birds by site and name. 8. I am well liked by everyone who meets me.
IMG_0118.jpgJoey 1. I have catnip toys all over the house. 2. I take a supplement that makes me jump higher and move better. 3. I am brave when people come over. 4. I am able to tell Bean what is naughty and what is good. 5. We live at house with Indian Spirits who love us. 6. My mom works at home everyday and is wealthy. 7. I am able to tell the animals that try to contact my mom, “leave her alone she is busy”. 8. I can open the window myself.
IMG_0111.jpgMaia 1. I can jump in the car again and my body feels healthy. 2. My mom always loves how I smell. 3. We live on safe land so my senses can be at peace. 4. I can tell the mountain lions and the bears to stay farther away from us. 5. I tell my mom which men she should date. 6. I am always happy with the way I behave. 7. I am always proud of my accomplishments. 8. I tell my mom everyday how thankful I am for her.

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