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How I got started as a People Medium:
Deceased Loved Ones
Anyone Who Can Not Speak for Themselves

While growing up my mother talked about the presence of fairies and my father would occasionally see ghosts. My mother’s stories of the fairy realm kept us children captivated. My father’s ghostly encounters were a source of amusement at adult cocktail parties. I was brought up believing that seeing and communicating with other dimensions was not only possible, but also very real.
As long as I can remember, I have been conversing with the dead. I have memories as far back as being toddler being spoken to by an old man on the staircase of our house. When I was nine, my family visited Stonehenge and Bath, England where ancient spirits would whisper to me into the night.
When my babysitter died, I remember her spirit sitting on my bed telling me she was well and that it was ok to cry. It took me a while to understand that when I get goose bumps (first on my left arm and then on my right) that it is a dead person trying to get my attention. The chilling feeling similar to being cold without the dropping temperature always would stop me and give me a curious feeling.
When my best friend’s mom died of cancer, I spoke to her as if she was still alive. In junior high, I ruined my friend’s slumber party because I was seeing ghosts watching us in her house. I kept saying to the kids that were leaving, “They wont hurt you. I promise.”
As a teenage I was obsessed with Stephan King and Edgar Alan Poe soaking up any knowledge that would help me to explain the dark side of things that I would occasional witness. I played with the Ouija board and always knew when it was a real spirit pushing the dial or some kid fooling around.
In my adult hood, I encountered evil spirits around people and watched how they could make people suffer. When I heard of someone being murdered or if a family friend died, I would see their spirit in my mind’s eye and hear them talking to me, pleading with me to write down their message and give them to their loved ones. Many times I wrote them down but never gave them to their loved ones on earth in fear it may hurt them somehow. Now I wished I had saved those letters. They would be a great comfort.
As an adult, I have become an authority in the field of the afterlife of animals (click here to order a deceased animal communicator session). Clients would plead to me to speak to their deceased humans, but I always refused. I thought dead people where rude. They would sit at the end of my bed or on the passenger seat of my car and insist on me telling their people messages. They drained me of energy and invaded my space. I was not passionate of their plight. I found animals much more kind and respectful.
Though in private, I enlightened myself by talking to deceased people who interested me like my great grandmother, Gandhi, Jim Morrison, Agatha Christie, Jane Austin, Henry David Thoreau, Nostradamus, Krishnamurti, Edgar Cayce, Charles Linbergh, Charles Yeager, Walt Disney and others. They comforted me and gave me wise insights into my life. They encouraged me to continue with my endeavors.
In 2007, my friend’s 13 year old daughter was killed in a plane crash. I hated to see my friend suffering and I felt like I could help her. She asked me if I could speak to her daughter and I accepted.
This is what she writes about the experience. “I first met Laura a few years ago when I hired her to talk to my horses and my dogs. I found her ability to truly hear and communicate with my animals astounding. She told me things that the animals told her about their prior training, lives, experiences that only they and a few other people knew. The detail that Laura was able to pick up and tell me was amazing.
After a terrible accident that killed my daughter and her father, I asked Laura to talk to both my daughter Talia, and her father Michael. I had spoken with other mediums before who had communicated with both of them, but Laura’s ability to hear and speak to Talia and Michael was beyond anyone else’s I have ever experienced. She actually relayed entire sentences, thoughts, desires from Talia and Michael to me, not just little tid-bits of information that I was used to hearing from other communicators. It was as if Talia and Michael were sitting with Laura and I and we were all communicating. A true question and answer session. It was inspiring, healing, and exciting for me. I recommend Laura to everyone who wants to hear from a loved one that is in spirit.”
Since then I have helped thousands of people connect with their loved ones in spirit. I have learned to have boundaries and now rarely encounter an “evil” or draining spirits.
I have been very grateful that I have learned to use my gift for a greater good.
Click Here For Frequently Asked Questions About My People Medium Services.
Sample Questions People Ask During The Session:
Deceased Loved Ones: Where is my loved one now? Do they forgive me? Can they help me with business? How do they see me now? What are they doing and who are they with? Do they have any advice for me?
Anyone who can not speak for themselves: I can speak to anyone who can not speak for themselves. Babies, People with developmental disabilities, people in coma….

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