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Pet Psychic Radio 02/09/12


We talk about how Laura is getting more “psychic”, conman requests by animals, sick guinea big, a dog with kidney cancer, two dogs with people who are separating, a dog that is spending too much time with the cats, and with a rescue guest Robin and rescue dog Lulu.

Rescue Guest: Robin Budin






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RESCUE GUEST     Robin Budin with Dog Deserve Better

What Is Your Passion or Your Story:

My passion is rescuing formerly chained or penned dogs from their life in filth, feces and squalor, rehabilitating them and getting them new homes.

Website #2
Address:  Chicopee, MA 01020

Dogs Deserve Better is a national anti chaining organization. A new rehab for formerly chained dogs was bought in Smithfield Va. The house that Michael Vick, the football player who fought pitbulls and executed pitbulls on his property was bought and turned into the Good Newz Rehab Center.

They need donations for fencing, for fixing up the property to ultimately handle 50 formerly chained or penned dogs.
I also work locally with Rainbow Rescues out of Chicopee MA and would like people in the New England area to go to and look at all of our adoptable animals.
Name of Animal
Age 1.5 years
Species Dingo Dog

Lulu Needs A Home

Lulu was found in MS in an RV Park thrown away. For 10 days runners were bringing her food and the security guard at the RV Park knew the police were planning to kill the dog so a rescuer in MS went and got her and got in touch with me to help her. She kept Lulu in her pack of 20 dogs for 2 months to somewhat socialize her to get her ready to be transported. She was a scared mess when she got to me and gets a little better each day but 5 weeks ago she twisted her ankle and has not recovered yet. She wont go for walks yet, she wont really go outside in the back on her own and she loved being in the yard the first 2 months she was here. She has been to the vet, there is no break, but the healing is slow slow slow.

Questions You Would Like To Ask The Animal
I want to know how she feels, if it hurts, why she wont push the doggie door open to get inside or out (she just sits by it waiting for me to push the door an inch). Does she like it here, does she like the animals living here with her and will she want to go for walks again and be outside again and when will she stop barking at new people she never met before.

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