The Pet Psychic®

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pet psychic radio 03/15/12

On the show today we: we talked about animals in film production, a dog spoke about his persons boyfriend, chihuahua that passed away five weeks ago, a dog that nipped and old lady’s coat, a sick cat getting his ready to let him go, and Crystal KimHan Vegas pig pets,

Pet Psychic Radio Show! Thursdays! LIVE READINGS & Questions 12 pm pst.Call in: 917.889.2693 Listen

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What Is Your Passion or Your Story
VegasPigPets was formed to educate owners on the specialized needs of keeping potbelly pigs as pets. Most people re-home their pets due to either, zoning, size or behavioral disorders. By helping understanding their pigs, we can usually keep the pig in it’s home. We will help rehome pigs that the owners decide they cannot commit to. Our passion is to stop the sales of teacup pigs. Laura your show helped us reach out to many people interested in researching teacup pigs and we got over 2000 hits to the teacup website by the next morning after being on your show!


Told he was 3, vet thinks he is over 10

Reggie Needs A Home!


Reggie Needs A Home!


A ranch called VPP in for a consultation on a 3 yr old pig they had rescued early last year. He was having seizures everyday and had lost a lot of weight. When I got there, Reggie was locked in a darkened horse stall (they said he would have a seizure in the hot sun so this was his protection.) He had no water (said he kept tipping his bowl over) and was all skin and bones. Every time I would open the stall door, he would fall over and have a seizure. Long story short, we took him in 2 months later in November & they signed him over 1/10/12. He was 50 lbs in September, he just weighed in at 104 lbs and hasn’t had a seizure in 4 weeks. His skin (like a pork rind) is slowly recovering and we just removed a malignant mast cell tumor from his tummy.

Questions You Would Like To Ask The Animal
1) Would Reggie feel comfortable being adopted into a new home if we could insure he would be well taken care of?
2) How old is he?
3) Did he have seizures his whole life?
4) How does he feel when he has a seizure?
5) Is there anything else I can do for him to make him happier or healthier?
6) Would he like Pork Chop’s company?
Anything else?
I thoroughly enjoyed our last radio broadcast so if Laura would like to throw anything in, that’s great, too!

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