ON THIS EPISODE: We talk about what to do if you encounter a mountain lion or bear (may or may not be good advice), about our time at the LA Pet Cemetery, a dog eating acorns, a Bengal cat about how to make his life better, a cat that has been attacked, our rescue guest poodle mix about how she got lost and run over and more…
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Guest Today: Joy Lee
She writes:
I am co-owner of Rover Oaks Pet Resort in Katy Texas, a resort committed to the highest quality care for boarding, grooming, training and doggie daycare.
I am also very passionate about animal rescue and giving less fortunate pets than those of our client base a chance for a loving home.
This means frequently taking in pups who are having a difficult time getting adopted and working with them on training or behavior problems to give them a better chance, or taking in dogs who are out of time at various shelters to foster them until adoption.
I work frequently with Citizens for Animal Protection here in the Houston area…Citizens for Animal Protection (or CAP) is one of the largest 501 (c) (3) organizations in the Houston area for animals, and is an awesome organization that has one of the highest adoption rates in the city – and the country.
We work with CAP on a number of levels…we take several dogs each week in need of grooming to make them more comfortable and more adoptable, we take dogs who are not doing well in a shelter environment and give them an opportunity for training and higher activity, and we occasionally foster dogs in need of a place to stay while undergoing medical treatment, such as heartworm treatment.
We also support them financially with fundraisers such as a popular Howl-o-ween Dog Walk. CAP is currently in the running for a $100,000 grant from the ASPCA, and the award is heavily weighted towards an increase in number of adoptions over prior year. They have a beautiful new state of the art shelter and are able to better help even more dogs than previously…and we would like to help them win this grant. So, we are fostering more dogs in hopes of helping them win.
Rover Oaks Pet Resort Katy & Citizens for Animal Protection Website
Website #2 : http://www.cap4pets.org
24250 Kingsland Blvd (Rover Oaks) and 17555 Katy Freeway (CAP)
Katy (Rover Oaks) and Houston (CAP), Texas 77494
What Do You Want Us To Mention On The Show or Ask You
Primarily I am interested in helping to promote the wonderful work Citizens for Animal Protection (CAP) does for dogs, cats and small animals here in the Houston area, and encourage people to adopt from CAP if they are considering a new addition to the family.
Rover Oaks Katy is a huge supporter of CAP and while we cater to a wonderful client base of pets and their owners, striving to provide the highest quality care for their pets, we also promote responsible dog onwership and pet adoption.
I am also involved (through friends) with helping to rescue dogs out of high kill shelters in both the Houston area and in Southern California, and have done several transports of pups in need from California to Houston to find new homes.
All of these dogs are fostered at Rover Oaks or with friends or staff and they are adopted out through CAP, so it is yet another way to help them raise their adoption numbers and hopefully win the ASPCA grant.
In general, we want to help individual dogs with good homes, but also raise awareness of the huge national problem of pet overpopulation.
Name of Featured Adoptable Animal: Lulu
Age 3 years
poodle mix

History or Story
Lulu’s journey began in southern California, where she was turned into Orange County shelter in March 2011. She was adopted and returned several weeks later. As a return, she was not given as much time to be adopted the second time and was at risk of euthanasia when she was pulled from the shelter by dedicated rescuer Stacy McIlveen with Helping Orphaned Hounds Rescue. Stacy and I had been working on a small transport of dogs to fly to Houston in search of new homes, and Lulu arrived in late April. Within a few weeks, she was adopted out to a family and seemed to be doing well at follow up a few weeks later. On Saturday, September 3, I received a text from Stacy that her rescue had received word from the Houston SPCA that a 12 pound poodle had been brought in by doggie ambulance, hit by a car. The owners had never registered her microchip in their name, so the rescue was notified in hopes of tracing the local owners. We were able to conta ct the owners, who surrendered her to the SPCA as they were financially unable to cover her medical bills. I contacted the shelter manager at Citizens for Animal Protection to see if they could take custody of Lulu so that I could take her back for medical treatment and foster. She was transferred to CAP on Labor Day and I picked her up at the shelter, a little broken dog who had lost a quarter of her body weight in the four months since she was adopted. Dr Patrick Choyce of All Pets Animal Hospital kindly came in on the holiday to assess and treat her, but after looking at her x-rays and all the broken bones he referred her to an orthopedic specialist. Dr. Brian Beale of Gulf Coast Surgery, Orthopedics and Neurology (and host of weekly radio show “Your Pet’s Health” on KTRH here in Houston) saw her on Tuesday the 6th and scheduled her for surgery. She had a fractured tail which was amputated, and a fractured femur and pelvis. The pelvis was broken in pieces a nd luxated, so after four hours of surgery Lulu emerged with a plate in her femur and three plates and eight screws in her pelvis. She is currently in recovery, seems to have her nerve function and with a little therapy will hopefully be ready to find a better, more responsible and loving home within a month or two.
Questions You Would Like To Ask The Animal
Was life with your adoptive family ever good?
How did you become so thin?
Do you remember how you came to be on the streets, and what happened the day you were hit by a car?
Are you still in a lot of pain? And if so, what hurts the most?
What makes you feel good?
What kind of food do you like to eat so we can help you get some weight back?
What kind of home and family would be best for you?
Anything else?
Just to encourage everyone to spay/neuter their pets, adopt from shelters and rescues when considering a new family member, support their local rescues, support enactment and enforcement of tougher laws to end puppy mills!