On this weeks show we talk about my most spiritual experience talking to animals, voices of US elephants, reincarnation, what to tell your pet about the fourth of July, take some callers, and talk to some pets that need homes.
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If would like more info on Shugie contact:
Alison at drstanleya@gmail.com

This is written by Cathy the sole caretaker at Journey End’s Ranch
“I saw Carson on Facebook in May, 2010. He had been found a stray and was at a southern California shelter for 2 weeks already. He was in horrible condition. Everyone was commenting, but no one wanted an old, half-bald dog. With the help of a few Facebook friends and some donations, we were able to adopt him and get lab work done. The lab confirmed my suspicion that he was low thyroid. He was also emaciated, anemic, had a lung infection, stuffy nose, draining leg wounds and an injured carpus (wrist) and resulting limp. Another volunteer brought him to Az.
He improved immensely on thyroid medicine, good food, supplements and he even tolerated his splint for 6 weeks. He finally could walk without constant pain. In the first 2 weeks, he gained about 6 pounds, eating four meals a day. The other dogs love him. His wrinkled skin tells us he is part shar pei. Carson acts as if he were abused and used to be difficult to treat and restrain, but he is very lovable otherwise. Over time, he has become much easier to treat as he is now trusting me much more. We also discovered he has low adrenal function and the addition of adrenal support has helped him to relax.
Carson is no longer lame, his skin infection has cleared up with repeated baths and anti-fungal medication, and he has gained 15 pounds. He loves to eat, chew his treats and go for walks. He had his portrait done by Sue Steiner of Save A Face Project. It sold on eBay to Carson’s biggest fan, Nancy Rayman-foster. He acts very silly after having a bath, as you can see in the picture. He actually has a skin condition called Acanthosis nigricans. The itching and seborrhea are gone now. As of December, he is actually growing hair in the bald areas. Carson is a great example of how almost no animal is a hopeless case. He loves every minute of his new life and brings laughter and joy to our home. Our Norwegian friend calls him a “charmtroll”. Deriving from the norwegian word “sjarmtroll”, charm troll is an expression used to describe a child with the ability to charm. We think it applies!
Click Here To Find Out More About
Carson and Journey’s End Ranch
I think a lot of shelter dogs have an abused past. Certainly, if they were found wandering about that might be true. But the ones I have adopted from a shelter never had complete shots– even rabies. These were dropped off by individuals who could no longer keep them. Some of this was no doubt due to the economy, but also atttitude problems by pet care takers. I live in the country and a neighbor doesn’t bother to care for his dogs or goats. He and his daughter feed them by throwing food down on the ground, and the goats were killed by the larger dogs because they were probably hungry. These dogs ARE a menace around the neighborhood. There is no functional SPCA where I live (on the border of Oregon & Idaho). Nonetheless, I did get a “new” 4 year old blue heeler-austrialian shepherd mix, who again, did not have all her shots. But she is very sweet and has a coat like a patchwork quilt– three different patterns. Before getting her, I looked at photos of different dogs on the Internet kept by local shelters, some of which I visited. Volunteers were doing the best they could for these dogs, but it was obvious, some of them needed more attention, etc. than their handlers could give them. Please contribute to your local shelter. Some of these “sentient” beings really need your help– at least to provide food and shelter care. There’s just too many abandoned pets out there. And it’s not just the current economy. They are very sweet animal companions. Any amount of time they spend with you, can be a blessing.
Naomi, your dog is working on indpeendence. She is learning to be by herself in the world and so she is setting up episodes that support this journey and this learning. Right now her contract with you is to support your letting go and your ability to let her be herself. You are calling and releasing—pulling her back and letting her go, over and over. Her personality does not want to be independent of you, but it is what she is here to learn. She is ready for you to come get her—she would like to be back home.I looked at the dog through spirit, and I had a friend connect telepathically. Here is what we got.I saw Nessy running hard down a street—running at first from fear and then from a sense of exploration. She ran downhill, until she came to a river, possibly having to cross a street or a road to get there. She ran along through yucky wet trashy ground along the river—there may have been a walking path through there—and sniffed and explored things. She went a long way. I saw houses backing up to this path and Nessy either connecting with someone in a house with a cat and a deck facing the river and a backyard sloping down to the river & path, or being afraid to connect with them. I saw you walking a trail with her leash in your hand and her finding you or maybe this is a place you two have walked before. Although at the moment I looked she was curled up asleep—exhausted.Telepathically, my friend talked to Nessy and saw someone opening her gate. Nessy may have been caught in a net, either then or later. Then she saw her locked in a cage and barking, very indignant and wanting to get out, but no one was letting her out. There were other dogs in cages and they were all barking. She had water and some cheap kibbles that she didn’t want to eat. She wanted to get out and go home.It’s unclear whether my friend and I saw two different episodes or two parts of the same one. It’s unclear whether the cages are a dog pound kind of situation, or a dog napping kind of situation.I hope these pieces of information are helpful and I wish you all the best.Alix