We talk to a cat that pees in her food dish, one that pees on the couch, a deceased pet, a dog with allergies, a dog that humps other dogs at the beach…
Featured Rescue: http://www.hartofmcintosh.org
Featured Pet:

About Queen Deanie:
This was written by Queen Deanie’s Foster mom, “For the sake of expediency, I am copying and pasting the first narrative I wrote about Queen Deanie shortly after I rescued her in December of 2009:
“When I was born, I’m sure my mother thought I was a little princess and would grow up to be a queen one day. Neither of us knew then how hard the first couple years of my life would be!
My story adds a new dimension to the definition of an old holiday greeting – “Happy New Year”. On December 20th, 2009, I was “discovered” by a kind lady named Ms. Deanie who’d spent decades in the world of theatre. As a former professional dancer and actress, she spotted my star quality despite my frightful appearance! I was a mess – rail thin, missing much of my hair, grieving for my missing babies and barely alive. Ms Deanie found me curled up in a ball at the edge of thick woods, in brutally cold weather, waiting to die. Not one to shy from a challenge, Ms. Deanie recruited two other caring ladies, Ms. Frances and Ms. Hannah, and the rescue began. Although I was terrified of anything on two legs, after more than an hour, I gave in and they whisked me away to my first foster home where I began my recovery.
Twelve weeks and two foster moms later – Ms. Leslie and Ms. Kate – How Do You Like Me Now?? I’m a new woman, a real Lady – no more babies for me to worry about ever again – and my coat just shines. At 40 pounds, I’m a petite girl and don’t want to gain another ounce! I’ve a very sweet temperament, have learned to walk nicely on a leash and every day of my life is like Christmas morning! If you can lead me to the life I deserve, please call my surrogate Mom, Hannah Tostensen, at 912-437-6169 or 912-617-6564, or e-mail gavoters@darientel.net.”
Since that time, I have updated Deanie’s narrative and it appears on her Petfinderlisting at HARTofmcintosh, zip 31305. We are still fostering Deanie but I want with all my heart for her to have a home where she will be the apple of someone’s eye. I will continue to foster her until the right home comes along but playing musical dogs is very, very stressful for me and my husband, who will be 84 years old next month.”