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Riley’s Thoughts

This is Riley.  Do you notice his heart shaped nose? He died of cancer.  He says from Heaven,


“I am in a place of love and understanding. I understand what happened. I know my people tried their best to save me.  I fought so hard to live and get better, but I became so nauseous, and I felt a strange feeling down my legs. It was like a chill was inside of me. 


I feel blessed that my mom heard me when I told her, ‘I can’t do this anymore.’ She just looked at me and then hugged me.  She knew what I was asking. At that point, I was ok with being helped to Heaven.  At the hospital, I saw a lot of animals leap to Heaven.  Unicorns led them up a rainbow to Heaven.”


A lot of people think they are the ones that decide to euthanize their animal, but in actuality, the animal has asked for help.  Oftentimes, if you think back to the moment of your decision, you remember your animal staring at you intently.  Because the veil gets thinner before one transitions to the other side, the animals understand where they are going.  We are not sure where the unicorn image came from, but there is usually some symbolism.  The veterinarians’ office may have a picture of a unicorn and rainbow that elicit peace within when looked at. 


It was beautiful to see Riley’s loving family through his eyes.  I wish all animals could experience that love and compassion.

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