The Pet Psychic®

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IMG_0978.jpgThis was from Roxy’s people: One of our male cats Roxy (Bens best buddy) is keeping us up off and on all night. When we go to bed he starts walking back and forth across us. He meows really deep and loud during this process. We eventually put him out of the room and close the door. Once outside the door he actually starts howling and hitting the door until we let him back in. Believe me if we don’t let him in he wont stop. Once he is back in the process starts all over again. We really need to figure this out so we can get a good nights sleep.
Roxy told me “I am scared an owl is going to get me, because I saw a cat get taken. There is a spirit woman in the house that tries to pet me, but her hand goes through me. She is always dusting and their is a hole in the backyard I am scared of.”
A month ago, Roxy’s person had a nightmare that an owl took Roxy away. Roxy was trying to tell his person his fears in her dreams. An old woman died on the property and the hole in the back yard is the old septic tank from an old house on the property that burned down.

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