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This is Ruby. She died at the good old age of 17.

This is what she said to her people from Heaven,

“I have to say that I was ready to go to Heaven, but I didn’t have it on my mind all the time. I was never thinking of my death day. I would hear them talking about me, and I would tune it out. My brother (deceased doggy brother) would come and lie with his back up against me. He would say, ‘We are going to have a good time when you come,’ and we do. We went running down this dirt road with grass fields on the side. We just ran, and he kind of body-slammed me, and I could stand up and hold my balance.

When it was the day I was saying goodbye, I knew because it was a serious day. They were all crying, but I was like, ‘Wow, I have so much love for me’. I had cold things to drink and lick. I just felt like this family loves me so much. I felt so much in peace. I was kind of like, ‘Wow, my body is sick’ ’cause I had an earache in my right ear; then I was like, ‘Wow, Heaven, here I come!” I felt like they were dropping me off somewhere fun.

Sometimes, I come to the couch, and I can feel their feet rubbing me. I love that foot massage, and then I can feel them stroking my ears, and I want them to know I love you more than anything else in the world. So much love. So much love.”

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