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SCOOBY FROM HEAVEN a session talking with Scooby in spirit, his person took three pages of notes. Here is a bit of what he said during our session:
“My person has a lot of dreams she wants to manifest. She can have all of them. But sometimes she just needs to grow a little to reach them…What is so amazing about heaven is that there are all these gifts here. All my mom has to do is reach up and grab one. Tell her to stand on her tippy toes.”
“Have you ever seen an angel fly? That is what it felt like running behind my mom in play.” “I was very proud of my leash. Others dogs get excited because it means they are going out, but for me it felt good to be connected to mom.”

I asked him about his passing and he said, “That day I had lots of water and was feeling really good then an angel came and asked me if I wanted to stay or go with the angels. If I stayed I would not be able to leave for awhile and I would probably suffer in my body. Passing was not painful but it was scary like falling. but somebody catches you. Heaven is like being in my mom’s arms all the time. And you can ride down the rays of sunshine.”
“Will you tell my mom that when she is lying down and looking up is when she can talk to me the best.”
Scooby also talked about his old behaviors, his mom’s boyfriend, work and family.
And how he will one day come back to his mom because, “Not only is she the best mom, but she is also my best friend.”

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