The Pet Psychic®

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SERAFINA2.jpg“I think that people should know that it hurts to be thrown out of a car in a box. That sometimes people look at animals and don’t really see them. The best way to look at an animal is to be close to them and to pet them and to tell them that they are beautiful.

When people tell me I am beautiful I feel special. I think that people should know that some times animal food doesn’t taste right and just because we eat it doesn’t mean that it is good for us. Sometimes we can have bugs in our bodies and those bugs eat all our food. This causes us to have very bad stomachaches. People should know how to cure this problem in animals. I use to bite people when I felt sick, but I would never bite anyone now.
People should know if you love one animal more than the other it would hurt some ones feelings. People should know that they are beautiful all the time except for when they are saying angry mean things. Then they are very ugly. All animals like to be greeted when their people come in the door. Most outside cats have had experiences with coyotes. We try not to tell our people because we love to go outside. Most animals have good advice if you just listen. Animals are giving their people advice all the time and it is a misconception that we have to be looking at them to be telling them something. Most peoples’ greatest ideas come from their animal. Some animals don’t need people, but I do. Every animal should have a home that is safe.”

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