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Simon from heaven says, “Of course I know how much my mom loved me. She showed me everyday and she told me everyday. I wasn’t suppose to be with mom when I died. Cause I was told that mom would have freaked out and then my brothers and sister would have gotten more scared. This way everyone was just silent and watched. Tell mom it is ok she wasn’t with me. She wasn’t meant to be. Tell her I love her so much and I am going to stick around as her angel for a long time.”

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2 thoughts on “Simon”

  1. I knew and loved Simon very much and was shocked and saddened when he unexpectedly passed. I’d always secretly wanted a dog just like him and enjoy having him and his mom and his pals as neighbors enormously. But I admit that Simon was always my favorite and I understand the special delight he added to his Mom’s life. Thank you so much for helping her in her deep grief to understand how much he knew she loves him and that all was as it should be and he is happy and can still look after her. I know she still misses Simon terribly but this session brought much comfort.

  2. Oh, this brought tears to my eyes. In December, I held my dear Heidi as the vet gave her the shot that put her to rest. It just broke my heart.

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