
The Pet Psychic®

calming signals

Pet Psychic Radio 09-27-12 * Protect Your Self From The Negative

Pet Psychic Radio 09-27-12: On today’s show: We talk about Bunny Festival.  Goose the dog wants to stay with Grandma. Maxwell the cat is fast in heaven. Shawn Hollub of  German Shepherd Rescue of Orange County tells us about German Shepherds and we speak to Poppy about her life before she was rescued. Bentley the […]

Pet Psychic Radio 09-27-12 * Protect Your Self From The Negative Read More »

Pet Psychic Radio 09-20-12 * All Cats and Lulu the Dog

Pet Psychic Radio 09-20-12 Today Viola the talkative torby tells us that everyone needs pretty flowers to smell.  Sunny the cat blames Buddy the cat for pooping on the stairs.  Our guest Robin Budin of Dogs Deserve Better with rescue dog Lulu tell us about how you can help chained dogs.  Friskie talks about his

Pet Psychic Radio 09-20-12 * All Cats and Lulu the Dog Read More »

Pie learning to use her Calming Signals

Animals have body language that they use to calm themselves, communicate with other animals and they use them on people too.  Some of them are blinking, licking lips, yawning, sniffing ground, looking and looking away, sitting down, lying down, turning away, shaking, holding up a paw, approaching in an arc.   Here Pie is licking.

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