The Pet Psychic®

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Hi Laura,
Well, Maddi has been much calmer since you spoke with her. She doesn’t spend her time searching the skies for flies. I think your reassurance that we will not hit her with a flyswatter has done the job. I had been telling her that, but your words really meant a lot to her.
Thanks a lot for your help, Jere
Laura, She is doing great. She has been a happy cat again. We both LOVE the new cat litter “world’s best”. No spraying at all, it is so wonderful to live in my house again without the smell. I can’t thank you enough. I loving telling the story of how you helped us. Thank you so very much from both of us.
God Bless you
Tammy and Pissant
Hey Laura! I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate client referrals to me for Veterinary Acupuncture. (and the pets do too!). I hear your name all the time and without fail your reputation is somewhere between super-great and amazing w/ animal communication and training. I have your cards and never hesitate to give ’em out…
Thanks again,
Your friend, Dr. Andy.
*He is the best acupuncturist in Santa Barbara County. The Animals ask, “Do you know the Dr. with the Needles? Can you tell my people to have him back?” Dr. Andy Dainsberg’s phone number is: 805.895.4340
Dear Laura,
We met yesterday at Aloha Dog Grooming. You listened to Lammy for Eloise and me.
I have to tell you that I see Lammy in such a different light now… She really does have a mind and thoughts.
I know, duh!
But having you talk to her and watching you do it was very inspiring.
Thank you again for sharing your gift with us.
With love and blessings,
Hello Laura!
I just wanted to update, and thank you. After our appointment I had Will adjusted by a chiropractor, where he found 4 misplaced vertabrae in his neck.
I also feel that he and I are really starting to understand each other, now that I know what I’m listening for. He is trying very hard to be brave outside and focus in the show ring ( we just won our first recognized show and are preparing for the pinto world competition in 3 weeks!) While I am trying very hard to focus on what I am hearing from him, as well as other animals around me.
I feel maverick, and can pick out words… and feelings he sends my way. Thank you for helping us;
Again thank you for all of your help,
Ashley, Will and Maverick

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