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My son Marshal died at 14 from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.  I had received a cassette tape from a medium in Canada mere months later, and it brought me some peace, but I was still in shock and it was overwhelming.

12 years later, my long time dog friend Sebastian died on the same day that Marshal had died.  Laura had helped us through this (he had reluctantly talked to Laura a couple times while he was still with us).  I asked her to help me talk to him after he passed, and she offered to help me talk to Marshal as well; I knew I felt him around me but had a hard time connecting.  I was very open to this.

First Seb told Laura things so I would know it was him, that it was true she was talking to him.  Seb said Marshal had been around for a few days before Seb died, and that Marshal brought him to heaven. On the other side, Marshal took him to see an older lady who loved records (I think my great grandmother) and they also went to see a man around a lot of cars, maybe at a racetrack (my father).

Seb said lots of people in heaven know me, that I am very supported.  He has a job to go do now, working with sea life, and he will be with me at night.  (This matched Seb’s love of the beach, and his total change of demeanor by the ocean, as well as an incident we’d had on the beach with a distressed young seal.)  He said many directed things particular to our relationship (he likes to give me advice).

Then Laura talked to Marshal.  He said he was sorry, over and over, that he made a mistake.  He said it was not his time to go, so he chose to stay with me, and grow with me – that when I learn a lesson, he learns it too, because we are so connected.  He talked about the circumstances surrounding his death, and things that have happened since.  He talked about my life work and how it is progressing.  Many things Marshal told Laura were on the first tape I’d received, so many years earlier.

This session brought me so much peace.  Not just in the words, but in the affirmation of all that I had been feeling!  Since this one session, I am closer to not only to Marshal and Seb, but to others on the other side as well.  My heart is more accepting and open.  My own personal skills of listening and trusting my Self and my experience has expanded ten-fold.  I began meditating more regularly, and slowing down to feel and experience my Life more completely.  Everything has changed.  It was not just the content that changed me – it was the opening of a door to my own experience, and learning to trust that experience.

Ironically, the very first time Sebastian talked to Laura he was very irritated with her, and tried to bite her.  He thought we were doing just fine on our own, and didn’t need her to translate!  He said to me (through Laura): TRUST YOUR SELF!  You know all you need to know, you just need to TRUST your self!!

Well, turns out that was really good advice.  He also told Laura, in that session after he passed, that now he understands why it was so helpful to me to have her translate.  Thank you, Laura!!


Laura, youre the BEST!

I just want you to know that I got back from the US a couple of days ago to find Georgette completely happy without a poop or a pee where it shouldn’t have been.  And I thank YOU for this!  She has never been this good when I went away before…

All the things I changed for her seem to make her so much happier and I even tried some animal communication with her before I left…

Thank you so much for all of your inspiration.  I read your blog all of the time and I tell people about you and how you have helped us — they all find you fascinating!

I hope to have you communicate with my other cats this year sometime.  But in the meantime, take care and keep on keepin on with all of the great things you do.

Lots of love,  Suzy


Hi Laura!
I just wanted to give you a quick update on Forrest. I’m in CA now and I left him with my parents about 10 days ago. He’s doing so well! He hasn’t destroyed anything or misbehaved at all (unless they aren’t telling
me). Their last dog (13yrs) died 10 years ago, and I think they really enjoy having Forrest around.  He seemed to adjust beautifully while I was still there with him. We played almost every day in the snow,
which I don’t think he had seen before, and he get to eat some turkey. Mom took some pictures of me and  Forrest in the snow, framed them and put them by his TWO beds (as per his request). They said that every
once in a while they catch him looking at them. He also got a soft ball for Christmas (which he knew was his before I even opened the bag) and I left him my red hooded sweatshirt, also at his request.
What I really wanted to tell you is that I went home and asked my dad if his hands were giving him trouble, since Forrest had mentioned it. He told me that yes, he was starting to get some arthritis in his hands, which I didn’t know at the time of the reading! Also, I was really confused about the comment he made regarding my legs, the right one in particular. Since I’ve been in CA, I’ve been running just about every day. After day three, my right hip was pretty sore and I immediately thought about what he said. Also, I took him to the vet a few days after we talked to check on his demodex (all clear!) and he really needed his nails clipped, but they had to muzzle him to get it done. Remembering what Forrest had told you, I bought a set of clippers from the vet so that next time I could do it myself. Before I left him in NC, I thought I
would give it a try on the dewclaw they missed. So, I showed him the clippers, clipped the tiniest bit off the tip, and he didn’t even flinch. Success! I asked my parents not to try it though. Forrest will let me do just about anything to him, but he really doesn’t like anyone else touching his feet or his ears.  We moved the day after we last talked to you and got away from the “bastard” roommate. Forrest was so
funny because as soon as the movers got everything on the truck, he was in the car like a shot! Like, “Let’s get the hell out of here!” Our new backyard is a bit bigger and has a tree and he loves to roll around in the
grass. I told him that when we returned in March, I would get a little bird feeder for the tree since he mentioned watching birds during our last conversation. I try to talk to him every day. I look at his picture and have conversations with him. Not sure if that’s working or if I’m making it all up in my head, but I do it anyway. I also want to thank you for what you do. We’ve talked three times since I got Forrest in May, and my main goal was just to help him adjust and overcome any
emotional hurdles he might have. I feel like that has been accomplished, and he is more well-adjusted than I could have ever imagined at this point. I wish more people had your gift.
Kindest Regards,  Jen B.


Thank you again for a wonderful reading. It has helped with the process, and I’m not as sad. Love and light, K. R.


Hi Laura
Thank you for yesterdays session. Although I am still broken hearted, it helps me to know that Lanko is doing ok. When I sat back to think, I understood what he meant now. We used to play a game
where when a bird landed n the yard, he used to go crazy amd want to chase it. Of course he never caught one. I would open the door and he would tear out of the house, then come back happy as usual. This was when he could run when he was younger. Towards the end he barely could go up a stair. I am happy he is playing his game. God I
miss him. I will be contacting you again in a couple of weeks so I can keep in touch with him.

The big kitty came and sat on my lap last night. I avoided petting her painful area and I just let him sit and I held him. He seemed to like that. He also climbed on my shoulders to sleep. He has never done that.
My other cat has an appointment with the vet on Monday for her teeth, so I can get her checked out as well. She has been talking to me alot today.

Sweetie just keeps licking my tears away when i cry. I am getting better, but it is so hard. I will talk to you soon.
regards, m.


Laura –

I just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed our session the other day.  It was nice hearing some specific things that Butterfly said.

Regarding her recent illness, you mentioned that she told you she had “hot heads”.  I didn’t get a chance to tell you, but her head had been very sensitive for several days and felt hot to the touch.  I’m so glad it was just a passing illness and nothing to be concerned about.

Also, the fact that you said she talks so fast and jumps from subject to subject – that is DEFINITELY our Butterfly!  She is so funny and always keeps us entertained.  It was amusing to hear that she wants “only white bowls”, that she “thinks the news is too violent”, and that she is annoyed when we “don’t always do what she says”.  There again, we already know how particular our little girl is, and how she is not afraid to voice her opinions!  I guess her strong personality is one of the reasons she was able to train us so quickly and effortlessly.

It was wonderful being able to check in with her and clarify some things and to get reassurance that she is getting her physical and emotional needs met.  Butterfly and her Dad and Mom can’t thank you enough!

Wendy & Roy

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