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Animal Communication

Dear Dr.Laura,

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your blessing of animal communication. Even though the passing of Roscoe has broken my heart having you communicate for us has been invaluable. It gives me peace to know what Roscoe thought and felt. I read your transcripts and blogs many times a day and it helps me heal. Knowing that my big guy is in heaven experiencing contentedness gives me joy in between the pain and tears. May God bless you and your beautiful family. Thank you again. XX

~ Dear Laura,  Just wanted to give you an update:  Hugo has gone in the house just one time since our session, and for the first time ever, he pooped on the floor, not the carpet!  Our session plus the new cat litter you recommended, the world’s best, has made all the difference.


Hugo also mentioned that we hold him down, and he doesn’t like that.  I finally figured out that I was playing with him too roughly (because he’s so big), running my hand up and down his spine, which must feel to him like being pinned down.  (I’m quite sure he has PTSD from being with a cat hoarder.) He has either been biting less since our session and/or we’re more tuned in to his signals, but there has been a lot less carnage since the session.


Many thanks for your help, Kay & Craig and Louie, Wolfie, and Hugo


Hi Laura!

Dewey and I met with you on Friday at Jamie’s. I was the cryer. 🙂 I can’t thank you enough. I feel like in the short time we met, it made a huge difference and really opened up communication between Dewey and me, as cheesy as that sounds. I just feel differently toward him now – I mean, I have always loved him so much, but I feel like we understand each other better now and he is even behaving better. I have switched him to bottled water, and am looking into geting a purifying water bowl or those giant 10-gallon jugs, and bought new cleaners. Also, looking into raw food. Again, thanks so much!  I need to do a blog on the experience when I find some time, and let me know (or Jamie will) when you’re in Atlanta next so I can tell everyone I know to come see you! Hope all is well!– Ashley

Dear Laura,

Thank you so much for the session yesterday.
It was delightful and enchanting and really moving. I am so thrilled to be able to communicate with Moby though you. I look forward to many more conversations in the future.

With warmest wishes,  M.A.


Dear Laura


I want to thank you ever sooo much from the bottom of my heart! I really loved every moment of connecting with my beloved  Joaquim! It was just so wonderful! Now I feel relieved and comforted in knowing that hes in heaven doing and feeling fantstically! I think every good mom wants to know her baby is just great and is okay in order for her to get a sound and restful sleep! You enabled me to connect with my love in a new and miraculous way! You provided me with a very special gift.. I will forever treasure, appreciate and cherish today! You are an angel, a miracle worker and a gift from God! Because of you we were enabled to connect and bond in a rare and unique and very special way! You have no idea how much today meant to me! To be honest with you during the moment when i was quiet either after you told me something that was just so near and dear to my heart and at different points of our connection..I was holding back tears of happiness, joy, comfort, relief and love! I teared up quite a bit. Its just because I was so overwhlemed with gratitude for u and warmed by what my love was communicating to me! Im so thankful to you for what u did for us! Im so happy and glad and overjoyed that I was able to commune with him in this special way and to know that he is doing perfect and feeling perfect and is in heaven being well taken care of–it makes me feel sooo blissful! To know that as a mom I can still in a very special way mother him and positively affect him and take care of him by praying for him and talking to him, thinking of him and remembering him..it makes me feel wonderful like im still doing my job as a mom..im still able to mother him the way Im supposed to..the way he needs to be mothered and thats a wonderful gift to give to a mom! So thank you thank you for everything! Me and Joaquim will always cherish today! And I’ll probably call you again sometime so that I can communicate again with him in this special way! God Bless you!

with all my heart, Sarah A

~  Dear Laura,

You are so amazing and I am grateful for your sensitivity and clear channel to those that mean the most to me!!

Hope to touch base soon!


Laura – I just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed our session the other day.  It was nice hearing some specific things that Butterfly said. Regarding her recent illness, you mentioned that she told you she had “hot heads”.  I didn’t get a chance to tell you, but her head had been very sensitive for several days and felt hot to the touch.  I’m so glad it was just a passing illness and nothing to be concerned about.Also, the fact that you said she talks so fast and jumps from subject to subject – that is DEFINITELY our Butterfly!  She is so funny and always keeps us entertained.  It was amusing to hear that she wants “only white bowls”, that she “thinks the news is too violent”, and that she is annoyed when we “don’t always do what she says”.  There again, we already know how particular our little girl is, and how she is not afraid to voice her opinions!  I guess her strong personality is one of the reasons she was able to train us so quickly and effortlessly.It was wonderful being able to check in with her and clarify some things and to get reassurance that she is getting her physical and emotional needs met.  Butterfly and her Dad and Mom can’t thank you enough!  W & R


Dear Laura,

Thank you for suggesting us to change Tigger’s thyroid meds from morning to evening.   I am sleeping alot better now that Tig doesn’t wake me up at 3:00am!

Also, Tigger telling us about how he was feeling and that his throat is dry was extremely benefical. Since the session I have put oil in his wet food and have been putting ice in his water bowl. He seems to be doing better not as hungry as he was before and he has been going outside more. This morning he brought us a present- which he hasn’t done in over a year. I woke to my Mom’s screams.

Kind regards, NC

~ Laura thank you for being Cito’s voice. What we learned today was very helpful with our communication with Cito. We want to be good human beings tohim. He would not have been my dog of choice but fate lead him to us so we will love and care for him to our best ability. I think he knows that as well! I shared your conversation with Cito with our son. He was very surprised but I think relieved to know Cito will be ok.
I told Cito I wasn’t ready for him to sleep upstairs but i would find a safe sleeping area for him while Adam was away.
Again thank you for being available to spend time with us. I hope to have you return in a few months. I’m sure Cito will enjoy the return visit as well.
Best regards,


~  Laura, I just want to thank you again for the reading you gave me re. my Mother
who had past in April of last year.

I have been having a hard time these past few day and got the tape out this
morning to hear again. It is such a comfort
to hear what she had to say.    Thank you ever so much.  ~ SC

~  Hello Laura,

I want you to know how grateful I am for the reading you gave me with my niece. There were several things she said that verified to me that we were, indeed, speaking with her. It gives me great peace of mind to know that she is happy in heaven. I have shared her messages with my parents and her father. My parents loved dancing when they were younger (and she danced, as well), my mom plays the piano, and Dad can’t stay out of pastries. The reassurance she gave by telling them that all these things were waiting in heaven was just beautiful. Her dad often tells us that he talks with her everyday while he is working, and she said that she hears him and is resting her head on his shoulder. All of this is lovely beyond words.  It has helped us to hear from her. You have a precious gift, and I so appreciate your sharing it with me.

I would be glad to share my experience as a testimonial to your credibility.

Thank you again for all you have done for me, my kitties, and my family.

Bless you as you continue to bless others!!

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