The Pet Psychic®

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The Pet Psychic: Animal Zone S7 Ep4 Laura Stinchfield, The Pet Psychic ®, talks with Frida, a rescue dog with proprosthetics

Animal Zone S7 Ep4 Laura Stinchfield, The Pet Psychic ®, talks with Frida, a rescue dog, who was found paralyzed on the streets of Thailand. Her rescue heroes Dr. Lisa Chong and Tara Austin brought Frida back to the states and fitted her with prosthetics. This is a truly amazing story.

Arthur Von Wiesenberger is the host of Animal Zone


Click on arrow below to watch:

Below is a video on Frida’s Story

You can follow Frida on Instagram here

and support their non-profit dedicated to street dog rescue The Frida Project here

Watch the full episode of Animal Zone

Wagmor Pets in Studio City is an animal rescue organization dedicated to animal freedom. Freedom from thirst, freedom from hunger, freedom from pain, freedom from fear and many other issues that cause animal suffering. Danielle and Sam Crystal explain the excellent work Wagmor is doing and we meet their rescue pet.


In Las Vegas, Gail Mayhugh of Seniors To The Rescue, a non-profit dedicated to helping older adults and those in assisted living, shows some adorable gifts created by their seniors. The group does projects that benefit animals in shelters.


Scott M. Haskins, co-author of How To Save Your Pet From A Disaster, shares some safety tips for pet guardians.


Laura Stinchfield The Pet Psychic, speaks with Frida, an injured dog rescued off the streets of Chang Mai, Thailand. Dr. Lisa Chong and Tara Austin adopted Frida, and she explains the challenges and determination to give Frida a better life.



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