The Pet Psychic®

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This is Vedder. He is nine years old and can have a limp. His people have done all the diagnostics and want to know how he feels. He says, “I need to go for a run because running forward helps me to be a better dog. I don’t care if I am limping. I get the ouch in my hip, but it’s more the pain that runs down my whole leg. It sometimes gets worse. It feels like a pinching down the leg, and its starts sort of right the front of my hock. It pinches, and then my hip is sore from holding it up. I like balls. I could play with more balls. Maybe ones that glow in the dark or are different sizes. Mix it up a bit.”

I suggested that they put Vedder on Restorapet (link in bio or go to It has helped Hudson so much. I also suggested they take him to a chiropractor because it sounds like he has a pinched nerve. It is so good to know that although Vedder has pain, he still loves to exercise and have fun! His people are awesome!

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