One day these cows asked me a bunch of questions. I posted a few of them on facebook. People wanted to know my answers to the questions. The cows questions are in orange. My answers are in black.
“What do we do if we see darkness around people?”
I told the cows that if they see darkness around people to call in their (the cows) angels and ancestors. I told them to fill themselves up with light. I told them that in their life time they may have to do what these people ask them to do so do it with awareness and to be brave. I told them that many people love them and that in some places they are sacred.
“Can you tell us how to tell the farmers to fill our water buckets?”
I told them to stand near their water buckets and stare at them while making noise and picturing the buckets empty. I also told them that every time they see the farmers they could either send the farmer images of them filling water into the buckets or the buckets dry. I told them to make sure all the cows are picturing the same image.
“You say we can talk to our mom’s from a distance what if they are in too much distress? Will they still hear us?”
I told them I am sorry their mothers’ are in distress and that although they may not be able to answer them right away they will feel their babies thinking about them.
“What does it mean when cows go to slaughter?”
I told them that cows get killed for many reasons – for food and for people’s stuff. I told them that some slaughters are very scary and inhumane. I told them to remember that they have a spirit that can leave their body and that when it is time for them to die they will be safe when they leave their bodies. I told them to tell other cows to be brave and to trust that their spirits will go to a beautiful place.
“Why should we remember there is a heaven?”
I told them to remember there is a heaven so that they know their suffering will come to an end and that they can feel safe and free again.
“How come you can hear us and other people can not?”
I told them I was born with being able to hear animals so that I can help animals who are in distress and let the world know what animals are thinking and feeling. I told them that a lot of people can hear animals but they do not know it or they do not take the time to study it.
I have been deeply moved by what the animals say to you. Since my dog passed in February and you helped me speak with him I have had strong feeling about the pain we cause all the beautiful animals. Especially the cruelty to cows, chickens, pigs, massive slaughters, all of it. It horrifies me. Especially since I spoke with my dog friend I have esperienced profound joy in that communication and my continued thoughts with him. Thank you for all you do.
I am very impressed.
Being vegan, I often wonder what animals have to say.
I wish every person would become vegan.🌻💚🌱