The Pet Psychic®

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Here are some thoughts from different animals that may help you communicate with your pet more effectively.
harold%20as%20baby.jpgHarold (he is 3 years older than photo now): “I hear my mom (person) the best when she kneels down in front of me holds my collar and talks softly. Usually it is followed by a hug and a belly rub.”
Placido (handsome black and white cat): “It helps me when my mom directs her thoughts to the center of me rather than above me. I understand it much better. It is also nice when she slows down and waits to hear my answer.”
TD%20Have%20you%20seen%20my%20mommy.jpgTanner: My mom is perfect at talking to me. Sometimes when she hears me she laughs and doesn’t take my request seriously.”
Stan: “I like it when people pay attention to their breathing and make sure they are breathing really slowly before they begin. If they are breathing or moving fast I may bite them. But this is only to tell them move slow and concentrate on what you are doing.”
chip%20%26%20reiley.jpgChip (horse on left): “I think the most important thing to do with horses is to visualize what you want. It is much clearer, because then we can match all the things people are doing with their arms and legs with what is in their head. If you are talking about my mom talking to us the most important thing is if she thinks of us when she is in the bath. We love to hear from her when she is far away and that is the only time she is calm enough to send us images. Though we feel her love all day long.”
seamore%20parrot.jpgSeamore (parrot): “I need people to give me a grape first and then they have my attention. Otherwise I do not care to listen.”
Stormy (my Aussie): “When people are frightened or doubting they do not hear me as well. When I talk to a person I try and send it to them in a beam to their head and to their heart. People hear me the best when they are in joy. I bring a lot of people joy.

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