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Animal Consciousness

I ask my animals, “What is the most conscious element of our relationship with one another?” They respond:


Makia, the 15-year-young cat, says, “Everyone but Luca is conscious of each other’s bodies. We know where each of us has pain. We also know which foods we like and which foods we don’t like. If Joey doesn’t like a food and I do, he will let me know when he has some left over on his plate. We also keep each other safe by telling each other that it is nighttime and we all need to go inside. We look out for one another.”


Serafina, the 10-year-young cat, says, “We have been learning that if we don’t understand something we ask questions. We never make assumptions. Like when Makia used to hiss at me I thought she was just being mean, but when I asked her why, she said she was scared I was going to jump on her body. Now we pay more attention to each others’ feelings. We talk to each other with body language and with our minds. We respect each others’ sleeping areas and rarely sleep in the other one’s space. We are not afraid to ask for help.”

Joey Joe

Joey, the 17-year-young cat, says, “I think that we know each others’ past story, and we realize that we have lived together for many years and experienced the same situations, but the situations changed us differently. We realize that what made one of us brave and strong may have made the other one nervous. We are conscious that we are different in a good way.”



Bean the rabbit says, “I think it is wonderful that I can speak to my family about things that no one else would know I was concerned about, like how rabbit meat is sold at the Ojai farmers market. The place where we get my veggies and carrot tops allows people to sell rabbits who were killed at slaughterhouses. This is very sad to me. I don’t think that is a humane and conscious way to kill rabbits. I think rabbits should die naturally. I am glad that I am able to voice my thoughts.”  *

Stormy At A Speaking Event

Storm, the 12-year-young Aussie dog, says, “I think what is most conscious about our family is that we value our friends. We love our friends and they love us. We pay attention to our friends’ feelings, and we tell them we love them when they have had a hard day.”


Luca, the 7-month-young poodle puppy, says, “I think consciousness is listening to you when you call my name. It is also listening for noises to bark at. It is knowing how to get home from the park. It is also knowing that I have a family.”

My late wolfdog Maia

Maia, wolf dog from heaven, says, “The most conscious element of our family is that we can talk to each other through dimensions. We are never separate and we are always a part of one another. It is also that each and every one of us knows that there are angels, ancestors, and a higher power wanting us to be happy and healthy. We have voices no matter what dimension we are in. We value and love each other.”

* Thanks to Gloria Morgan’s tireless efforts and Bean asking me to fight for the end of the sale of Rabbit Meat at the Ojai Farmers Market we succeeded!  No More Sale Of Rabbit Meat! For those who wonder why Rabbit Meat is different than any other meat sold at the market.  It is simple.  Rabbits endure inhumane confinement during their lives and due to lack of regulations at the slaughter houses rabbitx suffer brutal inhumane slow deaths. Please do not support the sale of rabbit meat.   Bean and I will thank you 🙂

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23 thoughts on “Animal Consciousness”

  1. Laura…I love what Maia had to say about talking to each other through dimensions. She is a very wise teacher and we are all lucky to have her. She…and you….are helping so many people to remember that we can access multi-dimensional consciousness. Hurray!!

  2. Laura, I love what you did for rabbits. I must see 20-30 of them in my yard
    Each day. And although I don’t love what they do to my roses, they are
    Living being, too. Bless you.

  3. Crystal Heinemann

    Oh Laura,
    You have gone through so much in the last year with your loved ones. I am so sorry but I am here to send lots of love and support to Joey and you. See you soon!

  4. Kathleen O'Connel

    Laura, have you been introduced to Kangen Alkaline Water by Enagic Company in Japan? This company is over 37 yrs old and makes a very important medical grade device which electrolizes the water, promoting hydration, antioxidants, anti inflammatory properties and micro clustering of water molecules, which gets to the cells quickly. If you want to honor Joey’s wish to live, the water will help the body go back to homeostasis. go to and or contact me about our many websites. wishing you all the best!

  5. Alene LaDelle Brown

    OH MY GOODNESS I didnt hit post and my comments went into the never never land of computers. Darn. Tell Joey I see him Healthy Happy Whole and Complete.
    I love hearing about your family, and esp. what Maia says from Heaven.
    I have missed being in close touch with you. I miss hearing what my “babies”
    try to tell me, esp Sonny who looks at me with his great big beautiful eyes. I try to send messages, but tell them I just dont speak Cat so I dont hear what they say. Also missed SO MUCH having you get in touch with my Mom on her birthday, but tried to send messages to her. Maybe next year.

    I KNOW that God is within each and everyone of us and that His/Her healing
    touch will make Joey whole, healthy, and complete.

    Im happy that you have stopped the sale of rabbit meat at the store. My grandfather used to raise rabbits for food because my family was poor and that food fed a lot of people, who would have gone hungry, and he would never let me go see them or play with them. Wise man. Bunnies in the wild have enough enemies = mostly coyotes, birds of prey. Poor things. Im glad Beanie has you. Love to you and ALL your family. LaDelle Brown

  6. I am so sad to hear of your cat Joey’s condition. You have done many wonderful readings for me, and understand that Gretchen (my mini doxi) passed away in May from kidney failure. Please feel free to contact her to aid Joey and his acceptance. Prayers and hugs go out, and I will talk to you soon -Dave

  7. Dear, Joey:
    I am envisioning good health and many many more happy times for you together with your family. Just like you, I believe in the power of prayer and positive thoughts for helping and healing each other. About 3 months ago your Mom helped me so much when I was going through a terrible, terrible sadness at the loss of my dear dog Savannah. I am forever grateful that your Mom could help connect me and Savannah again and I am going to be thinking of you as healthy and living more of your life here with your Mom. I wish you the very best, Joey!

  8. Dear Laura, I will pray for you and Joey. He says such wonderful things and has a beautiful heart. My Nikita was so sick but she didn’t want to go either. I still feel her loss so much and I send you hugs for all you are going through with your aging animals’ sickness and passing over. Hey Joey, I’m pulling for you!!!!

  9. Joey, I see you as happy and healthy…and if you believe it is not your time to transition, then it will be so.

  10. Hi Joey! You’re quite handsome. I love you. I’m sorry that you’re not feeling well. I have some ideas that might make you feel better. You see, its all about putting your thoughts on all the things that make you feel good and all the thoughts that make you feel relaxed. When we are relaxed, everything heals so much faster. And I have a suggestion – put together a book of miracles. A book of stories about people and animals who have healed things that others thought could not be healed. And then read the book everyday so that you can know at the depth of your soul that miracles are possible. And I would tell myself that every hour I will find something to smile about or laugh about or feel appreciative for. If you can remember to do this all day everyday, you will help yourself to feel better very, very fast. Its the best kind of medicine there is! I send you and your mom and your animal family lots of love. 🙂

  11. Kathleen Flanagan

    This is part of my conversation with Saber, through Laura.

    I am so happy that you are talking to me today because I want my mom to know that everything is perfect here in heaven. I died in her embrace. When I rose to heaven I rose in the most beautiful steam and colors. There was not an ounce of fear. I rose and I felt pure again. When I was out of my body I looked down at my mom and how sad she was and I tried to hug her with all my spirit.

    ~ Mom, I want you to know that you have many angels here and they all are rooting for you. ~
    Joey, Saber and I are asking “our” angels to help the many other angels make you healthy and well-balanced.
    “Joey is a special creature in this world, he believes in your love and your power and we are asking you to protect him & help him heal and to feel well with no pain. Love this kitty, and bless him and keep him”

    If Joey has questions or specific requests of Saber please feel free to contact my sweet boy.

  12. Oh Laura, I am sending positive energy and thoughts to beautiful Joey. I am asking for help for his body and his well-being. I wish you all the best.

    Love, Stephanie Seymour (mom of cats Priscilla and Ruby)

  13. I have followed your animals faithfully and love them in the same spirit I love my own, who have benefited so much from your talents and abilities. We all are asking for healing love for Joey, so that he can be comfortable here in this dimension until he is ready to journey beyond. We send love to you, too, Laura.

  14. First of all I enjoy your newsletters so much and love hearing about your animals and others. It is amazing the thoughts that come from our pets and what we get from them. My first meeting with you I was skeptical but after 5 minutes I was a believer. You not only are a beautiful person but have an amazing talent that you use to help others. My life was enriched by knowing you. I think of you often and will keep love and positive thoughts coming to you and your loved ones.

  15. Continued prayers for Joey, and we’re glad that he is doing better. We hope that your entire animal family has better days ahead. We are so blessed to have been offered your amazing talents. Keep the faith and our thoughts are with you.

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