Pet Psychic walk-in hours today 4-6pm. $40 / 20 min. At 1076 east front st. Ventura. Aloha Dog Grooming!Been busy today.Come see me now! 🙂
Mr. Tiny is 15 years old and was rescued at 12 years of age. This is what Mr. Tiny says about his home. “This place is really special. This is the place where you are forgiven for not doing enough for your old people. This is the place that love flows all the time and
“Mom shouldn’t feel like she has failed me she is still trying to figure this all out. mom will know when it is time to put me to sleep, when she looks at me and I am not there anymore. She will see that my spirit is living someone where else and my eyes will
“Can tell you something? I am really handsome, handsomer than my picture. I am going to produce really good babies. I have a great temperament and a really nice hind end.”
DIARY 10/18/09
so much for being consistent on my daily blogging. Sorry readers, I will try to be better. There will be more to come on the Ojai Aliso St bear. My thoughts have not yet formulated. I have been sick for the better part of the week. The kind of sick were I lie in bed