As you may know, Joey my cat died on Sept 1, 2011.
Late at night of 9/2 I had dreams that Joey and my childhood dog Jinx where one. I have always speculated this. In the dreams the feeling I had with both of them was exactly the same. Joey was born three years after Jinx’s passing.
At 4:44am on 9/3 I was awoken by my cell phone. Someone from New Heaven Conn. was calling me. I didn’t answer my phone. 4 is the number of transitions (I know this cause like a Gypsy I can read a deck of playing cards as an oracle.)
I instantly felt Joey spirits present. He snuggled up to me close and laid his head heavy on my head like we used to sleep. Makia curled up with him too for a while.
Joey said, “I missed you so I came to you. I come for as much as my lonliness as for yours.” He did not say this as if it was really sad. Just explaining that sometimes our loved ones on the other side also miss our earthly presence.
“Mom,” Joey said, “You know I brought the feeling of my bum knee here. It’s imprinted on my spirit.” This Joey was telling because it is something I have always been interested in. Just because we die doesn’t mean all our issues go away.
I have known animals to reincarnate and to repeat their same illness, behavioral problems and life story in their next life.
“I died early” Joey continued (I know you all dont think 18 years old is yearly but he was good shape before all of this) , “because before I came back to earth I said I wanted to die before I go blind and deaf. It was not good in my last life when I was blind and deaf.”
This is true. If he was really Jinx my parents had moved to a strange home and would often get frustrated with his disabilities. They were moving and under stress and they did not have the time to give him all that he needed and there is more knowledge now about what to do with elderly dogs.
I felt sad and then all of a sudden I had a frozen sensation and a man in a black t-shirt appeared in my minds eye. He was strong, firm, athletic and creepy. He had something to do with the military. “Go away” I told him and pushed him out of my mind. He left me with a chill.
As a medium this happens to me sometimes. People spirits wanting to talk or tease from the other side.
“Did you notice him Joey” I asked.
Joey responded, “No, I didn’t even feel him. I am in a different deminsion. I was not connected to that one.” And that made me feel good that he is in a plane that is safe. That was not always true for Maia my deceased wolf dog.
Day of 9/3. I feel empty and cry when I see the spot on the bed Joey should be sleeping at or when I expect to see him under the chair or when I drive in the drive way or any other time it sneaks up on me. Though there is a strange peace that is around me.
For the first time in a long time I am not worried about Joey.
I think of myself as a positive person
who knows how to claim happiness instead of real despair,
but I realize now that I was living with a undercurrent of worry for Joey’s well being
and now that is gone. It is freeing and empty all in one.
I am in a complete surrender to what is at the moment. Or maybe it is peace, despair, or indifference and I just can’t tell which.
Joey tells me this day not to buy the horse I have been obsessed with because I need a rest from worry and taking care of animals. This maybe true. “I want a horse” I tell him. “You need to rest and gain more energy.” Joey says. This is true.
Everything the animals feel, think and see runs through me a lot of times I am tired. This is why I believe most empaths or people in the service position get cancer. We take on everyone else’s stuff and dont always know how to filter it out. I am working on it. Things have been much better.
But maybe Joey is right. Maybe I do not need that adorable filly right now…(Or do I?)

Middle of night 9/3 11:30 is pm there are energy beings the size of cats but disc shaped flying over me. I am awoken by them brushing up against me and giving me the feeling that I have just rolled over on one of my cats and suffocated them.
I jump up in a quick fear similar to when my brother used to jump out screaming at me behind doorways. The discs fly past me taking the wind from my chest with out the punching feeling. I flip on the light. They are gone.
I am keeping myself too open for Joey to come and other beings are taking advantage of my psychic door being open.
I call for Joey to see if he is ok. He does not come. Instead Juliette’s spirit, my old cat and Joey’s old friend, comes instead. “He can’t come now mom.” She says. “Why I ask” feeling a loneliness and longing for my “little man”
“Mom, he is in that space. He is being and processing.” Yes, I thought. The three days of transitioning is not over. In these three days, they are much farther away. Juliette showed me the space briefly. Omnipotent white light, emptiness, warm breeze with the feeling all over almost like tea tree oil on your scalp.
“Wow, beautiful and almost too powerful for me” I thought with a feeling of an open door way deep in my heart that leads out to a never ending universe.
Makia and my other animals want you all to know they love Joey and miss him dearly.
I just want to express my sadness at your sorrow. I lost my Heidi in December. She was my first dog, and I am still suffering. Please know you are not alone. <> There are hearts that feel your pain and emptiness too. Take care.
Thank you. Be well.
this is all very sad but uplifting as My beautiful boxer died in June and I often talk to Her hoping She is near I miss Her so much I took on a foster cat and 6 Kittens to help ease the pain they help Me by keeping Me busy and laughing so far all have been preadopted except one and the Mother take care xxx p,s that horse is beautiful love it (but do You need the worry at the moment )
Laura, Blessed One,
May Joey find peace and well-being over The Rainbow Bridge. Peaceful Blessing to you and all you four-legged Family. Protect yourself, but remain open!
Licks and Purrs,
Judy K. Xena and TOmmy
Thank You Laura for your insights that I was not familiar with. No matter how much we know about death and the grieving process, it still hurts so. It’s now been 3 weeks for my dear Bella. Presently she has made me aware that she has made herself a home in my chest, so that I can carry her without the weight of her body. The Philly is beautiful and is it possible that she would help you take care of yourself? Of course, I believe, Joey knows you better than you know yourself.
Do rest and put Yourself First. Many Blessings
Thank you for sharing this. Regarding the horse, you’d be a wonderful horse mom! In case this is helpful to you in making your decision:
I’ve wanted so badly to adopt a dog lately, but at the same time, for me, something just feels wrong. When I think about it I get excited but also I get a sense of dread, of being overwhelmed. It’s a physical sense, in my body.
For me, for now, I take this as an intuition to wait on the dog, as hard as that is. For me, I keep thinking that maybe for this moment in my life the animals that I have are the right balance for me, and to adopt one more would be about me “taking care” of other creatures, rather than having a real relationship with them, and thus would diminish everyone’s happiness.
A friend of mine who is a psychic, when I asked her to tune into this for me, gave me the words, “mythical beast.” I take that to mean that for me, adopting a dog is a substitute for a need I’m trying to fill but haven’t figured out yet. For me, I think I need to address that need in a more direct way first, and when I do, maybe then the right dog will appear.
Whatever decision you make, the universe will rise up to meet you. 🙂
I have no regrets about the animals I took in or adopted, only the ones I didn’t.
I’m so sorry for your loss, but I’m grateful to you for posting your experiences and thoughts as you go through the process. My own baby boy passed over just after my birthday in April and I’m still coming to grips with the sadness of missing his physical presence even knowing that he’s still around in a different capacity.
Dear Laura & Four-legged family,
I was blessed with a visitation from my dear friend, Joey, (aka: Joseph) in the wee hours between 09/01/11 and 09/02/11. He appeared in Bean’s room, which was somewhat empty. The ray of (indescribable) light shining on and around him reflected off the hardwood floor a bit. Joey looked thin, as he did the days before he passed over, but he appeared at peace and in well-being. There were no words or message, just a lovely visit that left me with a feeling of peace. I feel very blessed to have been given this favor by Joey.
‘Joseph’ was a good friend to me. He let me try out ‘energy work’ with him and he told his Mom some of it really helped. [This was just after Maia passed and Joey was having seizures that impacted his eyes and gave him headaches.] He came near when I did Tibetan prayers and other meditations. I felt him, and all the family, ‘participating’ in them. He offered me advice – through his Mom- when I was feeling blue or had a question.
Joey was a ‘big boy’ with a big head and an incredibly soft and rich coat. I always asked if I could touch his beautiful head when I saw him. Joey would lean towards me (just a little) and I would stroke his forehead. ‘Such a pleasure and gift.
Sweet Joseph, your absence creates an empty space in your family’s home. Your quiet wisdom, the command of your physical being, your gracious attitude with your family & friends…These, and many more aspects of you are deeply missed.
I thank you for your friendship, Joey, it was my honor and joy to know you. I miss you and request whatever graces you are able to send to all of us here. ‘Know that you were, are, and always will be loved by me and so many others. Enjoy your Heavenly life, my Friend!
~ ‘See you on The Other Side.~
** Dear Seraphina, Honey, you are surely an Angel-in-Training. Your devotion and dedicated concern for Joey was beautiful and inspiring to behold. Take comfort in that when you are feeling the pain of his loss. Seraphinnie…you are blessed by your service to Joey and you are a Blessing to us all.**
My love to the Stinchfield family…