Quotes from Pepin during a session:
“I am excited to talk to my mom cause I want to tell her that sometimes I feel like she needs to take a break for herself. If she meditates or sits quietly everyday I feel like her thoughts are more easily aware of themselves. When she doesn’t do that sometimes I feel like she gets overwhelmed.”
“I hold my moms hand cause we are connected and that way I feel loved and her heart and mind slow down. It is a great relationship that we have. Dad is good at holding moms hand too, but I think I am better.”
“(Dad) is a great support for us. He is like a solid tree that keeps us rooted. Dad, he is a lover too. I love him. My favorite thing about him is that he loves me just as much as he loves mom.”
“My hair falling out seems to be an issue cause I dont want to be bald and it doesn’t itch but it feels confusing to me. I feel like it is an unnatural process and I feel like my medicine is not good for me although it appears to be good. I need change. How to I get off it?”
What a beautiful kitty!!!
I love that Pepin says he is better at holding Mom’s hand than Dad is. This seems so perfectly catlike. I’m certain my big dog thinks he is a far better caretaker of me than my husband is. When he goes out he gives my husband a look that seems to say-I’m trusting you with her, don’t let me down.
Looking forward to the podcast.