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Georgia is a 2 yr. old spayed female blond Shepherd mix, 59 lbs. She is great with dogs and very shy with people. Her first owner was a dog hoarder. There were over a hundred dogs at her home. Georgia is now awaiting a person and home at DAWG in Santa Barbara. Their website is They are located at 5480 Overpass Rd. 
Santa Barbara, CA 93111. Please take a trip and go and meet her.
Here is an interview that I have done with Georgia. She is a very special dog. She is smart, attentive, and comes to people for safety. If you decide to give Georgia a try she comes with a free dog training/pet psychic session. She needs someone who is patient and is willing to give her time to settle in.
Laura, pet psychic: Can you tell me a little bit about where you came from?
Georgia: There were a lot of dogs. They would die often and we never knew when it was our time to die. We knew that death started with a terrible pain in the stomach. Sometimes a dog would think it was dying and then it would have babies.
L: How did you handle living with so many dogs?
G: All the mean dogs slept in the middle of the day so that was the best time to play. At night and in the early morning I had a really good place to hide. When they would feed us. A man would fling an open big bag of kibble over his head. I would wait until the kibble slid under a chair and in a corner. I would eat there.
L: How do you feel about people now?
G: I love people. Though I am really scared they are going to pull me close and hurt me. I know that some people would never do that. I love to be stroked. It makes me feel like I am safe. I liked to be scratched behind my ears. I love it when people tell me I am good. I want to learn more, but I am scared. I always had to learn myself. It would be nice if a person could teach me something. I also want to learn to play with a ball. I would love a person who doesn’t get upset if I get scared. I think they need patience. Oh and I don’t want them to get scared of me because I am scared. It is funny how that happens.
L: Anything else you want to say?
G: Sometimes other dogs bark and I do not agree with it. Sometimes they bark to be mean and that is inappropriate. It is time for me to leave the shelter. It is not that I don’t like it here. I just don’t feel like I belong here anymore. I can feel there is a very special person that will love me and understand me. If you tell people about me, tell them I want to change and be brave. Tell them I know that having the desire to be a companion is important. I am ready to have a home.

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