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Joey Speaks From Heaven

Cat in Another Dimension

Joey Is Watching


It has been just over a year since my cat Joey died.  I see Joey out of the corner my eye sometimes. When I find he is not “really there,” I feel the tinge of sadness in my heart that he is not alive in body.

At times in the middle of the night, I will feel him wrap his body up against my head, rest his chin on my check, and hold my fingers with his paw just like he used to do when he was alive.  I cry sometimes from missing him so much.  It feels like forever since I sat with him under my feet in the yard or on my lap on the couch.  I cry sometimes at the memory of him suffering in the weeks before he died, though I know better.

Every morning as I would write, Joey would drape himself over my left arm and lie there until my writing was done.  Now my gray cat Serafina takes his place, but she doesn’t touch me. She lies two inches away.

I can feel him now as I write about him.  I tell myself just what I tell all my clients who are missing their deceased pets. “It is not always a memory. Often it is your animal in spirit that is really there.  You must trust it.  If you do they will come more often.”

Here I ask Joey, “Do you have anything to say?”

Joey replies, “Mom, I am so happy you are talking to me.  I miss you here but not in the same way. You know that.  Juliett (cat friend) is here. I go into the future.  I see what you don’t see.  I see the next steps you need to take in order to reach your goals.  Mom, you have to take them, or you won’t move forward.  I notice that about people.  They want and they dream, but they don’t always move.  You have to move.  You have to move quickly.  If you don’t, the opportunity may close.  Mom, there are so many of your animals here. I have seen Boomer the bunny and your horses — lots of horses.

Joey Joe

“I have been taught that I had such a special job in my life with you.  I didn’t know it when I was alive, but I was chosen to help you learn that you could talk to animals.  I was chosen to be your companion during those years and to help you grow.  An animal and a human are put together for a reason.  You taught me how to be independent, and you taught me to be brave around people.

“I do a lot of things here.  I hunt through the tall grasses.  Your grandparents have taken me to their old houses on the water.  I was able to see you as a child and climb trees with you. I have not left you, Mom.  I am always watching out for you.  I am learning about your life, so I can help you move forward.

“I meditate here.  It is important for all beings in any dimension to meditate.  Meditation is what makes beings more aware, more compassionate, and open to the flow of universe.  I met who I was in a past life.  I will tell you about that another time.  Sometimes I live like when I was a kitten with you; I live that life over.  Time is different here, and each time I learn something new. Here you can live any moment in your life over so that you can change the imprint of it that it makes on your spirit.”

I tell Joey I am sorry for not talking to him more frequently. He replies, “It is okay.  Whenever I miss you, I can live in the feeling of your love for me.  It is expansive and pure. (As he says this, the wind chimes outside my window blow, often a sign that a spirit is near.)  I understand.  Though please talk to me more. Our connection is still very real.  There is so much to say.”

I ask him what should I tell my readers.  Joey answers, “I want everyone to know that your beloved animals are still very present in your life. You can accept their presence or choose not to believe.  If you talk to your animals in heaven, it opens up a doorway so that it is easier for them to help you when you need them.  I want to tell people we will see you again.  I want to tell people to go after their dreams, to act. There are many on the other side who are waiting to help you.  Meditate so that you are connected to a higher vibration. This is important because, when you live and work from a higher vibration, you have fewer obstacles in life.  I want to tell people your animals never stop loving you.”

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8 thoughts on “Joey Speaks From Heaven”

  1. It warms my heart to hear these words from sweet Joey. I think about my passed animal friends so much, and talk outloud to them when I need guidance or love. I feel them with me so much still and am so happy that I’m not just making that up in my head. Sometimes the heart knows more than the head, and my heart knows they are near. Much love to you Laura, you’ve helped so many, including myself and my animals, and we wished we lived closer so we could see you in person one day. I agree with Joey, follow your dreams, take chances, you have such a special gift and I look forward to seeing your dreams come true!

  2. Thank you for your post today about dear Joey. His words, and yours, are so comforting and close to what I have been feeling since my sweet Charlie Cat passed in June. I do feel him near me (walking across the bed at night), see him out of the corner of my eye, or find a cat toy where is should not be! I talk to him all the time and will trust myself to listen more carefully for his “presence”. I miss him so…

  3. Alene LaDelle Brown

    Very often your very touching stories told (from your animals in heaven or here on earth) bring tears. Now they are flowing abundantly. Beautiful = Beautiful – Beautiful.

    These animals are so wise. Joey has said the same thing that my mother, in heaven, said thru Sonny, mybeautiful black kitty = dont be afraid of life.

    Love you, and I’m SO proud of you. You help SO MANY PEOPLE. AND when your ultimate dreams come true, I hope you will still be there for the “rest of

  4. When I brought my golden retriever home after her first chemo therapy yesterday, I longed for a note or some sign from Laura that it was going to be okay, I prayed for an email, and was so happy to get one today that talked about the same thing I am going through. I am so sad that I will lose Junie soon, because she has been my best animal companion ever. She knows what I am feeling. I can whisper things to her and she responds. I was lying down next to her crying, and she lifted up her head and turned toward me, and gave me her paw to hold. It was very sweet. I believe her lymphoma is my fault and I wish I could go back in time and not use the flea treatment on her that contained harmful pesticides.

    1. Aww Nancy, You and Junie are in our prayers. The cancer is not your fault. There is so much toxicity in their food and environment Cancer is common even in animals that have never been exposed to the flea treatment. Stay strong and positive and keep imagining Junie in good spirits and enjoying life. All my best

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