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Maia Talks From Heaven

Maia Sleeping

On August 24, 2010 my wolf-hybrid Maia passed away.  She was 15 years old.  There have been times where I have felt her around me so strongly that I could swear I could reach down and pet her. She comes mostly as a five year old when her body was in the best shape and her mind was anxious to learn.  I have seen her running with my present dog Storm as he chases birds at the beach.  I have seen her burst out of the bushes, spin and run frantically around me in circles at the river bottom.  I have felt her nose on my face when sadness has overtaken my sense of peace.

“But have you spoken to her?” most people ask. “What does she say?  What is she doing now?” are common questions.

There are times where I find myself scared to ask.  Months ago she cried to me in the darkness of night, “Mom, I am stuck in a black box.” With a little communicating with Maia and her angels she got out of that predicament.  I have since vowed to never tell another animal to protect me here on earth from the other side.  It may not be aligned with their souls growth.  That situation shocked me into seeing that the other world is more complicated than I had presently preached and believed.

I have heard little voices from her.  “Mom, there will be an elephant that needs you soon.  I will be here for Joey when he dies, but he will live to be old.” “He is already old,” I answer.  “How old?” I ask.  “Don’t worry” Is her reply.

Now I ask, “Maia, what are doing there? Please tell me.”

Maia answers, “There are days that I spend in mediation.  Where I do not think a thought. I let the space around me be I and in this time my soul expands and I learn on deeper levels than I understand right now.  This space is within a pure glistening light.  There are days when I sleep. All I do is rest.

There are times when I help the wolves in the upper states make intelligent decisions.  I help them understand humans and their ways.  I teach the wolves to only hunt wild animals and to talk to the dogs that guard the livestock.

There are times when I am with you and the family.  I watch you from a distance to see how to fit in when I come back.  I learn about being a dog that is well socialized.  I see how I could have lived my life better when I was there.  I see my struggles and I understand that I did my best and I know I will do better the next time I am on earth.

I keep Storm company in the car when you leave him there because he gets lonely with out me.  I tell the cats that when they get here I will be their friend and I will make sure that no harm comes to them in their travels.

I watch over you and I make sure that the right people know about you.  I work with others spirits who know computers and love animals to get people to fall upon your website.  I remind people about you so that they will watch what you are doing.  I remind you every day to write because your story is important even though at times it feels like you are writing only for yourself.  Mom, I have vowed never to leave you.  You sacrificed so much in life so that I could grow.

You have no idea how much it means to me that you can still hear me.  This world is beautiful but so is the world on earth. Often I miss it.

People need to know that their loved ones are still around them.  We all watch you from a distance and at times we come closer.  Every time we come close it uses more of our energy and then we have to rest.  The more meditation we do the more work we can accomplish and the more we can manifest on earth.  Some spirits do not want to come closer because they feel too drained so they send others to help their loved ones on earth.  These spirits who are sent are like adventurous messengers.

Tell everyone to meditate.  If you know yourself, you will know others.”

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24 thoughts on “Maia Talks From Heaven”

  1. Just wondering, with Willie being close to the end of his life, should I give him some of the advice that Maia has referenced? Like to rest and meditate once he crosses over so he doesn’t become too tired if trying to be near us? And not knowing who his angels are, should I speak in general and ask them to assist him during his transition?

    1. Yes, Kelly all of those suggestions are important. I am not exactly sure how it works but you will be able to feel Willie about three days after he passes. I don’t believe in that time they get too exhausted. I think it is when they come often for long periods. It is good to call his angels in and any other animals he may have known and have passed away. Sometimes are relatives come for our pets even though they never knew them. It is rare that a being has to travel a lone. It is good to tell him to be open to passing and what is on the other side. I tell them to fly up dimensions and then they can come back down. Blessings to you and willie.

  2. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story…I’m wiping the tears from my eyes as I write, lol. Very touching.

  3. Laura, that is so amazing! I felt a warm hug like a hundred warm loving arms while I was reading your conversation with Maia. Wow… thanks so much for sharing this! You need to know how much your gift is a gift to all your friends and family on facebook!

  4. Thanks for sharing your story. My wonderful friend Molla directed me to your words. I recently lost the sweetest thing in my life a few weeks ago. I miss her so terribly. Apex was a beautiful 16 year old soul who made my life better each day she was here with me. Knowing she is still around me heals my heart but very slowly. Thanks again for showing us that animal love is true, pure and unconditional.

  5. Thanks for sharing your story. My wonderful friend Molla directed me to your words. I recently lost the sweetest thing in my life a few weeks ago. I miss her terribly. Apex was a beautiful 16 year old soul who made my life better each day she was with me. Knowing she is still around me heals my heart though very slowly. Thanks again for showing us that animal love is true, pure and unconditional.

  6. Laura,
    Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom, compassion and love with us all. You are such a gift to our animals, and to us, and with your insight you give voice to so many and comfort to us all.
    We love you!!!
    Allee, Michael, Cricket, Sophie and Mr. Wiskers!

  7. Dorothy A. Prairie

    I hope Maia has met Amber there. They would make a great pair. Amber was the greatest Therapy Dog ever and was so attuned to people and their pain. She had the soul of a Saint.

  8. Thanks for this. It is encouraging to know that our animals continue to surround us “in spirit”.
    It is clear Maia is so connected to you.
    I always want to “know” that my horse Dandi is so loved by me and I am doing everything I can to take care of her and her fragile health.
    This helps me to know that perhaps she “gets it”.
    Thanks again…

    1. Hi Nancy, as long as we are clear with what you are picturing in your head with what you are saying our animals get everything we say to them (if they are paying attention). It is important not to talk in negatives. For instance you want to say “be confident and know you are safe” rather than “Dont Worry” Usually it is people getting it back for their pets that is the hard part.

  9. Alene LaDelle Brown

    I love your blog. This one especially. I still miss Sammy, my beautiful orange and white tabby. This information from Maia and you is heartwarming and lovely. Thank you for sharing. LaDelle

  10. Tiffany and Zoey

    Hi Laura, Zoey and I love to follow your blog. I am in awe of Maia’s insight we can learn so much from her. Thank you so much for sharing, you are such a blessing

  11. Thank you for writing Mais’s words from Heaven. They are amazing, insightful, and wonderful to hear. I am sure it is comforting to be able to hear from her. I know it helps me.

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