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My Animals Aspirations For the New Year!

Happy New Year!

It is time to ask my animals what they aspire to

in the New Year:

Stormy and I

Stormy (11 year old Aussie): This next year, I would like to go to more spiritual places with my mom (my person).  I have noticed that the people at Krotona (Theosophical Society in Ojai) are calm and there are ancient energies thriving there.  These energies help me know whom I am deep inside.  I have thoughts at Krotona that I have never had before.  The other day, I had the thought that my happiness is from lifetimes of experiencing other beings smiling.  I usually just think my happiness is from the moment.

Makia In Our Backyard

Makia (15-year-old cat): I want a butterfly garden planted for me.  I would like to learn how to heal other cats from a distance.  I don’t like other cats in my space, but I like the idea of them healthy.  Sometimes I have anger because my diabetes and sugar levels.  When this happens I want to remember to meditate in my closet.

Joey Joe

Joey: (16-year-old cat): I have been struggling with health.  I want to get healthy and I want to climb something.  I can only hear some music tones.  I want to be able to notice when the music is on and go and sit by it everyday.  I like Christmas music but the light classical is the best.  I don’t like country at all. Light classical helps me meditate on health.


Serafina (10-year-old cat): There is a part of me that wants to learn how to ride a bicycle.  Is that possible? Maybe some of the people you meet at Krotona could come over and teach me something wise.  Do they do rituals?  I think we should give the Buddha Statue a flower every day or make sure he has birdseed on his lap.  I think he likes our property more when we do that for him.

Bean - aka: "The Beans" or "Beanie"

Bean (4-year-old bunny): I want to learn how to sleep on your bed all night long.  Most people who come to our house love animals and want to learn to talk to us.  I want to teach one human to hear me completely.  Sometimes humans get confused with their own thoughts. That is why my thoughts are extra confusing to them.  I also want to learn how to climb a tree like a squirrel.

Maia, Me, & Storm

Maia (wolf-dog in heaven): Time is different here.  I think more of what I want to learn in the moment.  The thought of time progressing is not the same.  I am learning at each moment to be comfortable with myself.  I am also learning to trust my instincts.  I am learning to be with myself before I make a decision.  I am learning that God is soothing only if you let God be.

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