On this weeks show: It is Stormy’s and Makia’s Birthday! Listen to what they have to say! Latasha has a new baby guinea pig, the Malibu dog talks about why she is aggressive, the cat that sprayed surprises us why, we talk to a cat that doesn’t get along with the rest of the pride, our rescue guest is Chico the dog and Maripat Davis with www.AllForLoveAnimalRescue.org
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For People Who Just Want To Hear Chico and His Advocate Maripat Davis Talk You Can Hear Them 40 min Into The Show

Chico are running out of time at the shelter…
Anyone interested can call the Camarillo Animal Shelter (805) 388-4341 and ask for a supervisor!!
Address: 600 Aviation Dr, Camarillo; Hours: M & W 11-7 pm; TU closed; TH & FRI 3-7 pm; Sat & Sun 9-4
Also, please call, Maripat at ALL FOR LOVE ANIMAL RESCUE, (805) 445-3535.