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Pet Psychic Radio 10/20/11

On this episode, Laura talks about a skeptic, takes some calls about a cat who throws up, a dog’s person who is deployed, a dog that cant move her back legs and she talks briefly to Terry Thompson the man who had all the exotic animals in Ohio.  We also talk to our guest caller Danielle from organization below.  Hear what rescue dog Tinzy has to say on this podcast:

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We briefly talk to Terry Thompson Spirit on today’s Pet Psychic Radio show

Terry Thompson Now Dead

And this Leopard

This Leopard Survived The Incident


Guest: Danielle Robillar

Email *

Danielle’s Passion   
Rescuing dogs/puppies from high kill shelters * stray’s * owner surrenders before they end up in the shelter and taking care of them and finding them wonderful homes.

Rescue: I.C.A.R.E Dog Rescue
Address     I.C.A.R.E. Dog Rescue 31441 Santa Margarita Parkway, Suite A-194
Rancho Santa Margarita,, CA 92688

I.C.A.R.E. Dog Rescue is all about heart! Our team has some of the biggest hearts around! I.C.A.R.E. Dog Rescue was founded in the Fall of 2010 and has quickly taken on the reputation of helping and rescuing those who no one else will help. I.C.A.R.E. does not limit our rescue based on how sick a dog in need might be. If they need us, we are there! However, the Rescue does NOT end with the pull! Many of our dogs have had a long road to recovery before they can find their forever homes. Because we choose to rescue those dogs that need us the most, those who are seen as “unadoptable”, many of our dogs are being treated or have been treated for Pneumonia, Kennel Cough, Coccidia, Giardia and much more. We have nursed the extremely emaciated, those diseased with parvo, those with broken limbs, and those who’s spirits have been broken so terribly that they need to be taught how to feel love and how to trust. Through all of this our hearts have been broken as a few have not survived despite our efforts, but our hearts have also been filled with joy as we have seen those dogs that were once abused, abandoned, and forgotten begin to know love and trust. There is nothing like seeing that once sick and terrified pup in the arms of his/her forever family.

I.C.A.R.E. is an all breed, no kill dog rescue. We rescue dogs at risk of being euthanized from shelters, abandoned, abused, and stray dogs. We also rescue many owner surrendered dogs; which are dogs that can no longer remain in their current homes due to financial or personal issues. I.C.A.R.E. Dog Rescue is dedicated to reducing the number of dogs that are euthanized in our shelters each and everyday. We focus on rescuing and rehabilitating them in loving foster homes until they are adopted into their permanent homes. We also focus on educating the public regarding specific breeds, rescue, and general information regarding the canine species. We are a 100% volunteer run and supported organization that cannot survive without the help of loving fosters, volunteers, and benefactors. Please contact us if you wish to contribute in any way.

Name of Adoptable Animal:   Tinzy
Age    2 years
Species    Dog
Breed    Rat Terrier

Tinzy Needs A Forever Home

History or Story

Tinzy was rescued from the Downey Shelter almost 6 months ago the day she was to be PTS * She has had to be moved to several fosters and has lost 2 really good homes bc she bites people and fights with other dogs.

Questions You Would Like To Ask The Animal    
Ask how her life was before going to the shelter?

What is she looking for in a family?

If she is happy now?

Why does she bite and behave the way she does?

Tell her she needs to behave and stop biting because she has had people wanting to keep her, but is returned because of her behavior.

Tell her that we all love her and want the best for her.



Pet Psychic Radio Show!


Every Thursdays 12 pm pst.

Week of 10/04 Live Tuesday!

Call in: 917.889.2693


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