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Police hunting escaped exotic animals in Ohio. Animal Voices

I turned on the news this morning which I never do and have heard that there are over 50 exotic animals free from their enclosures in Ohio. They caretaker found dead in his house.



Among the animals bears (grizzly and black), all species of big cats, wolves, camels,…)




I ask the animals,  “What happened?”

Not The Grizzly Spoken To

Grizzly bear:  “There was a woman and her friend that came through in a caged atv and started to let us free. She cut the locks of our cages and she told us to run.  she was laughing as we all ran out of our cages.  At first we confused and then we were happy until the big cats started to fight.  Many of them where hissing and growling at each-other and there was at least one death and the cats where dragging the others around.  The wolves ran the farthest in their pack and I am sure that many of them are freed with out being killed. There are two more types of cats.  The timid ones that stayed in their cages frightened to get out and then the others that ran into the forest to hide.  There are some that are still free. I can see them in my mind hiding behind shrubs and laying low in fear from the gun shots.

There have been so many men that have come in in truck loads they have opened fired and have been cheering each-other when they have made a kill. 

Only a few of them are wiping their eyes in tears of the carnage but no one is noticing those men because the other men are having fun hunting us down and killing us. 

They are no better than the man who have kept us here. 

The woman let us free because many of us have begun to starve.  They have been feeding us less deer and she knew something drastic needed to happen in order for this to stop.  She could no longer see us suffering anymore.  She did what she thought would be the fastest way to put us out of our misery.  So many of us have been sick and starving.”

Not The Bengal Spoken To

Bengal tiger:  “I have been shot and wounded on my leg and am in the woods up high hiding.  They are coming after us with dogs.  I saw my mother fight and kill a larger African Lion that was always spraying our cage.  He was in the cage next to us and my mother never liked him. 

The smaller cats are in the trees also. Many of them will not be found.  They are good at camouflage and the dogs do not know how to smell them different than a bob cat.  This is my opinon. 

I am too large and my leg is dripping. I know I will die because I can feel them closer. 

The gun shots have made us run farther away than we would normally run.  One cat has killed a baby deer and another a small dog.  I have seen it from this tree.  We have always wanted to hunt.  There have been men that have been hunting us that have walked under some cats and even a cat with a kill with them in the tree. 

We all know that we will die and we are ok with it.  I speak for only some of us.  I can feel all there feelings like a mass wave. 

Our freedom finially has come with more fear and smell of death than we could imagine but we do not want to feel the hunger in our bellies anymore. 

We were dying and the woman who set us free did it out of love.  She knew there was no other way to end our suffering.  She did not think that that we would live.  She did not want to see us caged anymore.  She let snakes free too.  This compound had so many animals free.  There is a giraffe as well – In a dark barn.  There are other animals shaking with in fear. 

I may come down soon and let them shoot me.”



As Of 10/20/11

18 Bengal tigers…….Dead

9 male lions………….Dead

8 female lions……….Dead

6 black bears………..Dead

3 mountain lions…..Dead

2 grizzly bears………Dead

1 baboon……………….Dead

1 wolf…………………….Dead

1 grizzly bear…..Captured

3 leopards………Captured

2 monkeys………Captured

1 monkey……………Missing (they think this monkey may have been eaten)

1 grey wolf…………Missing

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6 thoughts on “Police hunting escaped exotic animals in Ohio. Animal Voices”

  1. Oh my gods that’s so sad.. I’m glad they get to live out the rest of their lives free.. I just wish it didn’t have to be this way. At least most of the kitties should be okay.. I hope Bast will watch over them and hide them.

  2. Every time you talk to wild animals I am amazed again by the wisdom and spirit and dignity and forgiveness they speak with. I pray humans can someday be the same.

  3. Saw some conversation about this on Facebook and I tried to post your link. Not sure if it worked. Yet another incident that makes me ashamed to be a human. Not one news report I’ve heard or read has mentioned the fact that the animals were starving. I’m a little bit amused that apparently no one knows snakes were also released. Will be interesting to see if that hits the news. And what about that poor giraffe??? Sickening!!

  4. Laura: I just read that five of the surviving animals from this terrible incident are going to be returned to the widow of the man who raised these animals. How awful!

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