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Pet Psychic Radio 10/27/11

We had a great show today!  We learned how a dog broke their leg, why a dog will not go down a hallway, what the rescue bunnies like about their new home, a 15 year-old dog talks about whether they think they can survive surgery and we talk to our rescue death. 

Pet Psychic Radio Show! Thursdays! LIVE READINGS & Questions 12 pm pst.Call in: 917.889.2693 Listen

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Kramer and Cosmo Need A Home
Date You Are Scheduled Thursday, October 27, 2011
Your Name * Christy Schilling
What Is Your Passion or Your Story
Animal welfare in general. I try to live as cruetly free as possible. Not buying animal tested products, being a vegan, attending/volunteering at events that promote kindness. I work with several organizations but primarily with Best Friends Animal Society, Glendale Animal Welfare & Rescue and LA Animal Services
Best Friends Animal Society
Website #2 if you have another

Los Angeles, CA
United States
What Do You Want Us To Mention On The Show or Ask You
Anything about volunteering, fostering, ways to get involved.
Name of Animal
Cosmo and Kramer
1 year
History or Story
They were dumped at a humane pet store and due to space limits they were being kept in a small space separately where they did not have enough room to hop. The owner did not want them abandoned in the neighborhood as there are tons of coyotes. He was doing the best he could but I could not stand to see them in such a small space. We took them in got them neutered and have had them since Febuary. They are beautiful and now a bonded pair of brothers. We bought them a large dog kennel 5 x 5 feet but sadly they cannot roam free in our yard due to the coyotes
Questions You Would Like To Ask The Animal
Are they happy? What would make them happy? Why when they are let out in the yard when we are around to watch them do they go to the back neighbor’s yard? Is your space large enough? Are you brothers or friends? What is your ideal home? Is there anything you want to tell us?
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