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Pet Psychic Radio 11/10/11

We had a great show today!

Laura’s Animals give well wishes to their human friend battling cancer, we talk to two poodles about how they are getting along, a pitt bull about not chasing and eating the family rabbit, a little dog that looks like a wolf about staying in their yard & more including our rescue guest and her adorable adoptable dog!

Pet Psychic Radio Show! Thursdays! LIVE READINGS & Questions 12 pm pst.Call in: 917.889.2693 Listen

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Date You Are Scheduled    Thursday, November 10, 2011
Your Name *     Jill Gasparac

What Is Your Passion or Your Story
I started with dog rescue and then dog training but knew I didn’t want to be just a dog rescue group…socially conscious consumerism was always an issue for me.

I discovered a passion for senior pets once my own dog, Roxanne, got up in age and I adopted a senior lab from the shelter to keep her company in her final years. That started the ball rolling towards forming a nonprofit.

We are a 501C3 non-profit organization committed to promoting change by raising public awareness about the interconnection of humans, animals, and the earth. We want to educate people to be socially responsible in their actions and purchases and want to help build a more conscious, aware and compassionate world.

Rescue Name    Animals, People and Environment Action (APe Action)
Website #2 if you have another
Address     West Hollywood, CA

What Do You Want Us To Mention On The Show or Ask You    
The need for people to stop breeding and buying dogs when dogs in our local shelters are being killed every day. The need for people to spay and neuter their pets.

The need for people to adopt dogs from rescue groups or shelters and to consider senior pets.

Name of Animal    Lily Pie Pumpkin Pie
Age    5-6yrs?
Species    Dog
Breed    Dachshund mix

Lily Pie Needs A Person


Pumpkin Needs A Person

History or Story    
Saved from a local LA shelter right before she was going to be put to sleep. Was told she was 10 yrs old… vet she’s only 5 or 6 years old.
Questions You Would Like To Ask The Animal
What happened to her?
Where did she come from?
Is she happy here?
What type of home would she like to be in?
Why is she still going potty in the house?
Why doesn’t she understand that potty is only outside?
What can I do to make her more happy and secure whille she is with me?
Is there anything she would like to tell me?
Anything else?
We need foster homes and we need people to help us fundraise.

I had to close my sanctuary due to lack of funding and we now operate Sammy’s Place through foster homes only.

We can only save so many due to space and funding. We need more compassionate foster homes or last home fosters.

We need people to donate to the cost and care of the pet if they are not able to foster or adopt.

Donations can be sent via paypal to

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