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Pet Psychic Radio! 6/16/11

Some of the animals we spoke to in this weeks radio show are a black standard poodle whose puppies went missing, a dog about his pain level, a young male Savannah cat about why he bites the female cat in the house and Sadie our featured pet for adoption.

We also talk to Bean my bunny about what she thinks of Bunny agility youtube videos!

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Featured Adoptable Pet SADIE:

On this weeks show Sadie answers the question, “What do you think is causing the pet overpopulation crisis in Los Angeles?”

Sadie is 5 year old pitbull weighing about 70 pounds. She needs a home! Sadie could lose a few pounds, but she is an energetic, sweet girl. She needs a bit of leash training, but generally walks pretty well on a leash. She’s been without love for a long time (in the shelter for three months and in boarding for a month) and longs to hang out with a human. She gets along very well with medium and larger dogs and all people. Sadie was rescued from the shelter with her best friend/companion, Bella, who is a 1 year old partially sighted mixed breed. They were apparently raised together prior to being at the shelter. If you are looking for a pair of dogs to adopt, look no further!

Sadie aka Peaches


Sweet Sadie introduced by Phillip Gharabegian

You can meet Sadie at Animal Advocates Alliance Click here for more info and to see a video of Sadie!

Phillip, one of Sadie guardians, speaks of the Jason Heigl Foundation. Click here for more information







The Video Ai (my co-host / producer) sent for Bean to watch.


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