The Pet Psychic®

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Pet Psychic Radio 7/21/11

On this weeks show we talk to some animals in heaven, a little dog that  ran way, a scared growling doxi mix, and our featured pet for adoption: Bofum a rescue Golden Retriever who has two broken legs. Steve introduces Bofum from Southern Golden Retriever Rescue


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Featured Pet For Adoption

Listen to what he has to say in the last 20-min of Pet Psychic Radio



About Bofum: This is Bofum.  He was a stray and in six weeks,  nobody  has claimed him.  He was turned into rescue because he was having a difficult time walking.  We took him to the vet and did some x-rays and Doc came out and said, “Well he broke both of them.”  So we named him Bofum.  He is about two years old and dog, child and cat friendly so we assume he was with a family.

Questions for Bofum on Pet Psychic Radio: We would love to know what happened to him.  He was not hit by a car because the legs bones are not shattered.  How did he get into this condition and how did he get lost.  And of course who wouldn’t make every effort to find him.  What does he want in a family for his future?  Children, cats, dogs, stay at home parents.  Can he stay alone while someone goes to work?  And is he in any pain.  He needs to let us know when something hurts or he thinks its time to change the casts.

To meet Bofum or to inquire more about him or other Golden Retrievers For Adoption Contact:

Southern California Golden Retriever Rescue click here






Thursdays 12 pm pst.

Call in: 917.889.2693



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