Many people want their animal to reincarnate back to them. Surprisingly, I have seen it happen. A friend of mine added a new Visla to her family. As I watched this dog mature she mentioned how her new experiences were “familiar” to her. She reminded me of my old Visla friend not only in looks but in temperament as well. Though the two dogs have clearly different personalities.
Then a deceased horse who shared with me, “God asks me why I am so sad; and when I told him it is because I am away from my person he told me to go back to her because no one should be sad in heaven.” Over a few sessions this horse told me clues to find the farm he (now a she) will be born at, what she will look like, what her mother will look like, and around the week she will be born. It all happened, and when human and filly saw each other for the first time they had an instant recognition.
Then there is the Doxi whose person is so distraught about his death that he too will manifest his return. His person will learn about his whereabouts from a friend; he will be a long-legged doxi mix who can run fast. This happened. I saw them joyfully together. He shared with me bits about what he remembers of his past life.
Maia, my wolf dog, has told me she is coming back. She said she wants to come home. Maia told me the name of the woman that will have her, how Maia (to be a male) will look, and gave me other clues that have come true. I will meet the puppy in a few weeks. But all the details do not match. Time and consciousness are the details that confuse me the most.
Remember when Maia’s spirit said she was “stuck in a dark place”? I was sick over this for days. “How” I respectfully asked, “can this happen to a being who found herself first in a beautiful part of heaven?” It reminded me of being a teenager and ending up in bad section of NY City. The date of when Maia found herself stuck matches the date that her spirit, if reincarnated, would have entered the womb of her new birth mother. If this was so, why was Maia not conscious of this?
I find myself asking and making assumptions about how reincarnation actually works. I have come to believe that each of our lives holds a consciousness in heaven.
One dog told me, “Our lives in heaven are like memories that are conscious.”
There are different fragments of our soul and those fragments break off or stretch to another life in body.
Young lives, I am told, do not become conscious of their past lives until they learn to live in their new bodies and their minds are developed, and they begin to look at the world outside of themselves. Only then can remember and integrate past lessons and lives.
I imagine the goal is to have our entire fragments join together. I have always believed that we reincarnate to become more conscious, more aware, better listeners, better communicators, more loving and accepting of others, and mostly to realize our gifts and to help not only ourselves but others as well.
I believe whole-heartedly in my abilities. Though I am going to need hard-core facts to believe that Maia is actually in the puppy I found. I have help. Makia, my all white cat, said firmly to me, “Mom, I don’t want another animal in this house.” I answered, “But Makia, what if it is Maia? We can’t not take Maia back.”
Makia looked me dead in the eye and said, “I will meet that puppy and if I say it is Maia it can stay. If it is not Maia it will have to leave.” And then she turned her back on me and walked out of the room.

Excellent! I believe you are correct in your observations about the soul and ‘heaven.’ I, too, have so many questions.
I’m amazed at how you and your blog is growing as you are learning and growing. really enjoy being a fellow traveler and a witness to your journey as well.
Trine and Jethro
Thank you Trine. I love to you all!
I lost a min pin chihuahua mix (so dear to my heart) April 11th 2009 ,a pet psychic told me it was a rattlesnake and that he was in a dark place. I have searched everyday for him and yesterday on line I saw a red min pin at Leids animal shelter that looked so much like him only he was 3 yrs. old my Humphrey was 7 almost 8 yrs. old. Could this be him reincarnated or am I just kidding myself because I miss him so much? I have 3 other dogs all females who miss him terribly. Should I adopt another dog? I feel like I am giving up on him if I do. I would love to connect with him through you . Just a grandma unemployed and babysitting my grandson for my daughter who has cancer.So I have no income and saved for a long time to talk to the first pet psychic. It sounds from your website like you are not as vague, I never recovered any remains.The psychic described the person he last remembered and she described me to a T. So I have no doubt that some people possess this ability.When I have enough saved I hope I can reserve some time to connect to Humphrey through you. You sound wonderful!The fact that you are always learning and growing says a lot about you , I tried to connect with Humphrey to tell him to go into the light but have no idea if he got the message. Closure is the one thing that I have to have in order to focus on other aspects of my life, now I know how a parent feels when they lose a child, it is a totally devastating, forever present, sick feeling inside that I pray no other person should have to experience. God bless you and your gift! Keep up the great work, it helps people so very much more than you can imagine.
How right you are Laura… Knowing my story, confirms that pet reincarnation is a reality. Thank you so much for the offered clues. Gretchie told me that at our first meeting I would seem familiar to her. However, it would take between 6 to 8 months before memories would start to come back to her. This is her 3rd trip back to me…and I am delighted beyond measure. Again, thank you so much for all the support you’ve given me through the years! I couldn’t have gotten through my loss without your help.
If we do not know where to look do the animals find a way back to us on their own when they reincarnate. Or do we need to know to look for them?
My childhood horse came back, or so I believe. After he passed, I asked that if he wanted to come back, I would love to have him, but I had to know for sure it was him. I asked that he be a rescue that came to the farm, to have his same 2 white hooves, a pink (white) nose, and most importantly, when I asked if it was him, he had to come up to me and wiggle my nose with his nose/lip (something he did once in his previous life, and I always remembered). It took a lot of years before one day I was at the farm where my mother rode, and there he was… and when I asked, “Are you Cloud?” he immediately walked up to me, reached through the bars of his stall and wiggled my nose. I cried. I hugged him. I felt insane. Sometimes I still do….but I don’t believe in coincidences, and he reminds me every day he is still my brother.
I am so thankful you have this gift and have these powerful insights!