Stormy just said to me, “mom, when you’re in a peaceful state, you are much more receptive.” Ain’t that the truth!
Stormy just said to me, “mom, when you’re in a peaceful state, you are much more receptive.” Ain’t that the truth!
Stormy’s tips on communicating with animals on Pet Psychic Radio (13-Nov-2014): “I gotta tell everybody something. If you have a problem talking to your animal, go take a shower and then come back and try again. It makes a lot of sense if you take the time ’cause your animal will understand you. And I
Stormy On Communicating With Animals Read More »
Here is Stormy’s Words of Wisdom (Pet Psychic Radio 2-Oct-2014): “Everybody should pick a passion, and everybody should fight for something. It is important that you share your love for others, and that you help others. I’m good at helping others just by looking cute.”
Stormy’s words of wisdom. He says, “Think about your future and then discipline the now. Your have to be smart enough to know your future can be what ever you want.”
This is Stormy, myself, and my late wolf dog Maia in Feb 2010. Look how big and furry Stormy is! Stormy’s Words of Wisdom on Pet Psychic Radio episode 11-Sep-2014: “Old friends are still special in your heart even if you don’t see them for a long time. And it’s never too late to reconnect.
Felix (the chihuahua) knew he was next in the tub and he thought Stormy would save him. Stormy knows better – they all needed a bath. Notice how Stormy’s right eye is gooky. He had a large growth on his eye lid. It was starting to hurt his eye. The night of the baths, I
Felix and Stormy The Reiki Master Read More »
Dear Stormy! Because people love Stormy’s words of wisdom so much I am thinking about writing a Dear Stormy column. For all of you that do not know, Stormy has wonderful advice & psychic abilities that wow and calm people. He often gets fan mail! Do you have a “Dear Stormy” for Stormy?
Laura Out And About Read More »
Sunday….My Official Day Off A perfect Sunday. A nice cup of coffee, snuggle with the cats & bunny, a peaceful walk with the dogs in the orange grove and then a play date with kids August 9 years old and Andre 6 years old ?, surf with a great friend, hula, read and a nice