Taz says from heaven, “I am glad I died the way I did. It was as if a rose came down from the sky and lifted me up in its petals. Though the rose smelled like a meat I like. Hamburger. It was really nice.
Heaven is the sort of place where you can be home and rest while you start to understand what is happening. I have a place here that if I go into shock about where I am I can go to sleep and rest. The place looks like mom and dads bedroom. I can live in the house the way it used to be when I lived there and that gives me moments of a break.
I will always love my mom too. We will always be connected. Mom I promise we will be connected. “
Every animal / being enters heaven in a different way. Taz was carried by a rose smelling like a hamburger.
Sometimes when animals are not fully prepared to die they find themselves in a realm in heaven that looks and feels remarkably like their home on earth. Often at this realm there are mirror images of their humans. I like to think that this is our higher power or our over-soul comforting our pets.