
The Pet Psychic®

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Dear Laura,
As we reflect on the amazing events of last week, we are at a loss for words to describe how grateful we all are for your love, presence, and work. Thank you for being there for our family.
Thank-you so much for your session yesterday! I now know that Fuzzy and Angel have different ideas about what they want and need. I keep thinking about the reading and now know that they feel and understand life more then I ever thought they could. I loved seeing through your eyes, their personalities and fun loving spirits.
Here are the pictures…hope you can use them. Again…Thank-you!…loved your website!
Kindest regards, Peggy, Angel and Fuzzy
Hi Laura-
You are definitely on earth doing your purpose which is as unique as you are and very much needed. People with metaphysical awareness will get it (what you do) and maybe those who don’t will have the opportunity to learn something in a fun way.You are on the cutting edge which is a fun place to be -to be a pioneer.You just keep doing your bliss and don’t worry about what anyone thinks good or bad. Your job is to offer your gift to the world-some may receive it graciously and unwrap it and enjoy it and others may refuse it-that is their choice and is no reflection on you! You are blessing many people and many animal friends and that is sacred service. Godspeed! Blessings! JB
Hi Laura I wanted to thank you for the time you spent
with Zoey, we could tell in the week following her
visit with you she was much happier. We started her
on the tinkle tonic right away and then got her an
appointment for a teeth cleaning and a urinalyses.
Her appointment was on Friday and she had a really bad
reaction to the anesthetic, but she was better the
next day. Her test results came back today and it
showed she has a very high white blood cell count, and
the bacteria in her urine was over 40 so he has
started her on antibiotics.
Once again I just want to thank you for such an
enjoyable afternoon, I am so thankful to have found
you and you are truly blessed with such an incredible
gift. We would love to see you again in the near
future to see how Zoey thinks she is feeling with the
new changes, we will be in touch. Take care and God
Bless, Michael Tiffany and Zoey
Hi Miracle Worker!!!
Tommy has been so good. He is not the same dog. We have had zero problems with the barking. I have gone out with him each time…as we worked on….but then he stays out and has had only a quick growl or low bark which I quickly address! I’m so proud of him, you and me. Love, Vickie
you made my day Laura! How sweet and thrilling. Thanks for bringing me closer to Gus and for keeping Scooby super alive for me still. I love your postings of them. I am not a private person…so you can reveal anything. Thanks for your gift and your generosity of it! I am beyond thrilled! _Thank you._Susie
Thank you Laura. I’m so surprised and am sobbing. Yes, these are comforting words. And this is amazing. This is going to help get me past this pain. love
Laura: Thank you so much for coming on Friday. It was a very profound experience for me….Prior to your coming….and because you mentioned speaking with Ranger, I tried to communicate more with him. Certain things had happened before you came. Even though I knew I needed to open up more to Ranger, it was a struggle. Being with you with Ranger was very powerful. I guess the word is opening……which is very profound. Thank you so much. I was so nervous before you came as I sensed it was going to be the most important visit to my house.
Much love…….I feel very blessed by you.
YEA Laura!!! We put up 3 new nightlights and kit kat comes upstairs
by herself and has stopped howling for 3 nights in a row. Thank you
so much.
Hi Laura
What an incredible session I had with you yesterday! You are truely amazing and have suh a wonderful connection with animals. I admire your work tremendously and look forward to more animal adventures and humor-(!!)- soon!
Thanks again for such a wonderful afternoon with you!
Loved it!! 😉 Belinda
Thanks for helping me to develop even better relationships with my animals! Sheryl

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