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Happy Thanksgiving Readers!  It was the night before Thanksgiving, at ten years old, that I declared to my family, “I am a vegetarian”. Thanksgiving is special to me because it was the first time in my life that I voiced my love of animals and my dedication to relieving animals of their suffering.

Here my animals voice what they are thankful for:



says, “I am thankful for trees and the moist ground.  I am thankful for people who care about us and reach out to help us when we need help.  I am thankful for my body and that it still carries me well.” 






says, “I too am thankful for our house here in nature.  I am thankful for open windows and medicine that helps me feel better. I am always thankful for my doctors because without them I would not be alive.  I am thankful for love.  I am thankful for my animal siblings.  I am glad for all of them.” 



says, “I am thankful that I get to do a new adventure and my family is with me.  I am thankful for good food that makes my body healthy. I am thankful that I have a human that is patient with me when I am scared.” 





says, “I am thankful that my mom gives me a lot of time to run around.  I am thankful for my tasty treats. I am thankful for people who fight for animals. Mom now looks for the leaping bunny on all the products that she buys.  This means no animals are tested on or used in the making of the product. I am thankful for people who choose to be conscious because it makes animals lives better.”





says, “I am thankful for my family.  My cats have been walking with us and I think that is a lot of fun.  I am thankful for exercise and the smell of nature. I am thankful that my mom (person) explains things to me. She is always telling me to ‘pay attention’, ‘think, use your brain’, ‘have you seen that person before?’ and then she tells me all about what ever I was barking at so I can learn. I am thankful that my brain is getting bigger and wiser. It would empty quick when I was younger now information is stored.  It is really neat. I am also thankful for touch.”



Maia in heaven


says, “I am thankful that I am still remembered. I am thankful that prayers on earth help me evolve in spirit.  I am thankful I am living again in Luca and that mom can explain the world of spirit to people who care. I am thankful for love.  When love is strong within in you it attracts love to you in many ways.”



Joey in heaven


says, “I am thankful that I died in love and I continue to live in a stream of love.  I am thankful that I am at peace and that I can help my family on earth.  That’s my job here. I am thankful my family hears me and accepts my help.  I am thankful that where I am is so pure.”



Mr. Squirrelly (We are house sitting and miss him terribly.)

Mr. Squirrely our families best friend

says:  “I am thankful that Lynda is filling up the bird bath and the bird feeder. I am thankful to have known a human that can understand my joys and my sorrows. I am thankful that because of you I am able to understand humans better.  I am thankful for life and for the great oak that houses my family.  I too am thankful for friends, for love and for people who respect the dead.  I am thankful for corn, nuts, water, sunflower seeds, and the occasional banana.”

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4 thoughts on “Thanksgiving”

  1. Anne (pig and cat rescurer in RI)

    I am soooo excited to hear of your decision to eat a compassionate diet!! I recommend Colleen Patrick-Goudreau’s book “30-Day Vegan Challenge” and her fabulous podcast “Vegetarian Food for Thought”!

  2. Alene LaDelle Brown

    Dear Laura and to all your animal family. I so look forward to your blogs.
    I LOVE what all of your animals say and so wish I could talk to my Sonny and Buddy the way you talk to yours. I’m busy on Thursdays now most of the time, so I cant listen anymore, but more importantly, I need to call in, as Buddy has
    a few issues about biting and I need to know why. We all miss talking with you.

    Ill be in touch when its possible financially. So many questions have I. Love you
    so MUCH. LaDelle

  3. I so enjoy hearing what the animals have to say. They are so wise. I understand my animals better from being able to really know what is going on in their heads and hearts.

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