
The Pet Psychic®

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What does “HOME” mean?

I have been writing a young adult novel about two twelve year olds who after extraordinary suffering they find themselves together and homeless.  Everyday I wonder, “What is home? What creates the sensation of the relief of coming home?”  For me, home is where my heart is at peace. Home is where I can be my best, express myself, and I can surrender to my growth with out being judged.  Within myself and in prayer it is always just a breath away.  Here I ask the animals what is home to you?

Joey (cat):  Home is a place where people and animals that love me live.

Cousteau (horse):  Home is friendships, knowing that when I am in discomfort and cant help myself others will help me.

Henry (Golden Retriever):  Home is any place my mom decorates and we sleep and eat.

Sally (Parrot):  I think of home as where I lived two owners ago.  There I felt safe and well fed.  Now I get scared sometimes.  Home is where I go in my mind when I want to be somewhere else.

Z (Zebra):  Home is under the oak tree where I stay dry from the rain.  It’s far away from here.  It is so deep inside of me that sometimes I get lost trying to find it.


Blanche (cat):  Home is in the prayers that my mom and I say together.  It is in the connection to the Great Love that watches over us.

Tiny (cat):  Home is in the food that I eat.  For this lifetime home is in my body.

Jenny (Donkey):  Home is with friends that make me feel complete.  It is the place where I don’t feel lonely anymore.

Chicken:  Home is a place where I can let go of suffering and learn to play.  Also home is my box.  It is the second one from the fence.

Tanner (Labrador retriever):  Home is anywhere my mom is. It is also when my family is all together and when I play ball and swim in complete bliss.

Mr. Squirrelly: I keep changing my home.  It’s where I feel most comfortable and I have room to stretch.

Mourning Dove: Home is always in the song.

My animal family and I are looking for a new residence (just for a change).  If you know of a private, quiet 2bdr in Carpinteria, Summerland, Santa Barbara, or Ojai please contact me at laura@petpsychic.wpengine.com

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4 thoughts on “What does “HOME” mean?”

  1. I feel bad for Sally. I have an Amazon. Simbah, he is about 25 now, I think. I am his 4th owner. He has been with me now for almost 8 years. He will be here until one of us ventures to Rainbow Bridge. Believe me, When I cross over I am going to try hard to go there before I get to the pearly gates!
    I wonder if he thinks about past homes and owners. I think he is happy here. Home to me is where ever my animals are.

  2. Awe, great post! Whenever I feel displaced, I will remember these words of wisdom.

    *I had a question I was wondering if you could answer, Laura. Although I realize you can’t speak on behalf of every animal, I was wondering how the majority of them feel about spaying/neutering. If you could give me some insight into this topic that would be great! Thank you for your gift and bless you and your creatures!!!

  3. I have been hoping and praying every day for a year that my little Bella will return home to me. I am wondering if I am still the home she needs and wants to be with. I know home as I know it now is not a home at all without her. I will never give up the search for her! 🙁 miss you lots Bella Button. Please come “HOME”

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