What do the animals want for Christmas?
Cambria (older bunny): I would like the window open on some days so I can smell the fresh air. I would like to go to the garden in the middle of the day when it is warm.

Reiley (horse): I would like a few round chewy horse cookies every day. I would like mom to have the massage therapist come out and massage me. My body could use it.

Carmello (American Eskimo dog): This year I got the most perfect home so I feel I already got what I wanted. I would like more time playing with dogs and a new leash. I want a fancy one everyone looks at.
Chloe (cat): I would like a doughnut shaped bed so I am warm on all sides and I can pretend I am hiding. I would the bed placed behind the couch.

Dante (dog): Sometimes I think I would like another dog in the house so I can train a puppy. I would like everything I lie on washed so everything smells fresh. I love it when all my bedding is washed.

Izzy (cat): I would like my mom to read me fantasy stories. I like to go to far away places in my mind.

Seamore (Blue & Gold Parrot): I would like a huge bath of water to play in. I would also like peanuts and pizza.
Ava (Chihuahua): I would like to go with my people on vacation instead of staying in the kennel and I would like something to come down from outer space and make me even smarter than I am now.
Honey (yellow lab): I would like it if my pain would go away and if I could walk slower at the beach but stay for just as long.

Lilly (filly): I would like to run free around the farm. I would like to have more playmates and I would like to be able to understand everything my person says. I understand a lot but I don’t understand everything. I think I am going to learn how to go in the big machine that moves then maybe I will understand more (trailer).
Ziggy (iquana): I get a lot more attention then I used to get and I am feeling much better. I think people should know that iguanas need fresh air, a big pool of water, fresh greens, bugs, a lot of exercise and a warm place to sleep. We also like it if it is dark at night.
I just love these comments by the animals. Tho I cannot afford a reading, and would love to have one, I learn many things that I can use for my own “family” as I am sure they all share many of the same desires, (other than essentials), and we are learning, through you, they really do think and feel much the same way we do. Makes me love them all even more. That little bird on the fence I spoke to really does “hear” me. Life is good! Thank-you Laura for your hard work, easy work, and sharing:)
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What great reminders that presents aren’t always about “stuff!” Thanks so much!