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What about snow?

Serafina and Joey

Serafina is the gray cat in the back and Joey is in front.

Serafina says to me, “Mom, what do I do when Joey doesn’t feel well?  What do I say to him? I know it doesn’t always seem like it, but he is my best friend.  He tells me about what life was like before I lived with the family.  He said you all lived in a place where there was white stuff on the ground and it was very cold and it was fun to walk on and it would fall from the sky.  Is that true?  Will I ever see that?  Do they ever show that on TV?”

A half hour later a friend posted a video of her deceased dog Pepe playing in the snow last Christmas on my facebook page.

Serafina watched it and said, “Mom there is a glare on the Screen so I am seeing it more through your mind.  That looks really deep and it looks almost heavy.  Does snow make you more energetic because he looks really happy?  I would like to see that snow.  It would be fun to run like that.”

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